Chapter Fourteen

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Stiles untangles himself from Derek's arms when he hears the doorbell ring. He's been sleeping late with Derek some, waking up at eight instead seven, and Derek groans in annoyance before turning over in his sleep. Stiles smiles some as he moves to rub his eyes while he moves towards the door, he thinks that maybe Kira forgot her key or it's Talia looking to do something with Derek. He yawns as he opens the door, and he doesn't even look up before he's being attacked in a tight hug. "Dude!"

Stiles looks up at him, and he grins when he realizes that it's Scott. "Scotty!" Stiles says, happily. Scott hugs him tightly while he kisses his cheek, and Stiles giggles as he pulls him inside to look at him happily. "I cannot believe that you're here! What is this?!" Stiles says, happily. He cannot believe that his best friend is here, and he smiles as he locks the door while looking at him. Scott has some luggage with him, Stiles really hopes that that means that he's going to stay with him some, and Stiles moves to set him down at the table.

"I thought that it was time to see you face to face, so I took some vacation time at the clinic to see you!" Scott says, and Stiles smiles brightly at him while he hugs him again. He just cannot believe that he is here with him, and he grins at his friend. "So where's the asshole?" Scott asks, and Stiles punches him arm lightly.

"Be nice. He's being nicer to me, okay? He's not a terrible guy." Stiles tells him, defending his husband while he moves to make tea and coffee for breakfast since he doesn't think Kira is coming in until the late afternoon. He hums to himself while moves to go get the tea kettle, Derek likes tea in the morning and Stiles cannot function with his coffee, and he turns to smile at Scott. "I'm so glad that you're here! Did I tell you that I saw Tom Hiddleston in person?" Stiles says, and Scott chuckles as he moves to look at his phone.

"About a thousand times, not that it's any less cool." Scott tells him, and Stiles beams at him while he moves to turn off the tea kettle before making Derek's tea like how he likes it. Derek is still in bed, not that Stiles really thought he was going to get up out of be, and Stiles moves to turn on the stove to make eggs and toast. "I'll help you with breakfast." Scott tells him, and Stiles gives him a soft smile before passing him the bread to toast. He loves his best friend dearly, but the poor boy isn't a good baker.

"Thank you so much. I'm going to wake up Derek. He has a meeting with someone in an hour." Stiles says, and Scott nods while Stiles moves to go to his room. Derek is spread out around the bed, not really asleep or awake just osrt of there, and Stiles jumps on the bed. Stiles sees the edges of Derek's mouth twitching as if he wants to smile, and Stiles moves to lay on his back. "It's time to get up, Derek. I've you tea and I'm making breakfast." Stiles says, and Derek opens an eye.

"Who was at the door?" Derek asks, and Stiles smiles while he traces the tattoo on Derek's back with his finger. Derek likes the way it feels when Stiles touches him, and he smiles at him softly while Stiles gets distracted from Derek's question.

"My best friend Scott."Stiles says, smiling excitedly while Derek rolls his eyes. He still doesn't really care for the other man, and Stiles flicks his ear. Derek whines in protest while Stiles giggles, and he moves off of him. "Up, Derek Hale." Stiles says, walking towards the door before pulling off the blankets.

"I'm up!" Derek groans, and Stiles chuckles while he moves to go back to the kitchen to where Scott is waiting for him. Derek roll over onto Stiles' side of the bed, and he nuzzles into his pillow. He sighs to himself, he wants to go back to sleep but he does have that meeting, and he doesn't want Stiles to come back to get him. He get vicious when he has to come back, and it usually involves Stiles pouring water on him and jumping on him.

Stiles walks back into the kitchen with a soft smile as he starts to make breakfast for them while Scott looks at his phone. "Dude. I'm so glad that you're here." Stiles smiles at him, and Scott looks up at him while he smiles at him happily. "I've missed you, man. A lot. More than I want to admit, okay?" Stiles says, grinning while Scott nods his head as he chuckles.

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