Chapter Twelve (Mature Content)

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Derek wakes up with the sun in his eyes, and he just knows that something is wrong. For one thing, it's past noon and Stiles usually wakes him up at nine. As much as Derek hates getting up early, he's gotten used to it. He wipes his face as he walks into the kitchen to see that Stiles isn't in there either making lunch or cooking or doing anything like that, and Derek thinks that he was gone for the the day. "Stiles?" Derek calls out as he rubs his eyes, just to make sure.

Derek doesn't get an answer in response, but he walks thought the house to see that Stiles' door is closed to his room. Derek hums as he moves to knock on the door, and he hears a soft groan from the other side of the door. "Go away." Stiles says, and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to knock again on the door.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" Derek asks, and he hears a scoff of laughter that fades into nothing. Derek sighs as he opens the door to Stiles' room, he's never done that he tries to respect Stiles' private space, and Stiles sighs. "You come into my room all the time." Derek says, sitting on the edge of the bed. Stiles pulls the blankets over his head, he doesn't want Derek to see him like this, and Derek pats his leg.

"I come into your room to wake you up for the day other wise you would sleep all day. Did you just walk up? It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon." Stiles tells him, his voice muffled from blankets that are covering his face. Derek sighs as he moves to lay on the bed next to him, and Stiles doesn't turn around to look at him. "What are doing here? Don't you have music to write or a guitar to tune?" Stiles says, and Derek chuckles.

"What's got you all upset?" Derek asks him, feeling that it has to do with the anniversary of his mother's death but he doesn't want to reveal that he talked to Scott about him. Stiles sighs as he turns away from him before moving to face him. Derek smiles softly when he sees that Stiles' eyes are slightly swollen, he must have been crying, and Stiles sighs as he shakes his head. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Derek tells him, and Stiles nods his head while he moves to wipe his face.

"My mom died of cancer twelve years ago." Stiles tells him, his voice cracking some. Derek reaches over to lay his hand over Stiles' waist, and Stiles sniffs as he nods his head while he moves to wipe his eyes. "She was so good and nice. My dad used to think that I was weird because I was so smart, but my mom she never let me feel bad because I was smarted than kids my age." Stiles says, and Derek smiles at him.

"She sounds great. I bet she would hated me, huh?" Derek says, and Stiles surprising shakes his head rapidly as he moves to try to stop the tears that are starting to flow again.

"No, she saw the good in everyone. No matter what. She always found at least one good thing about someone, and she would pay attention to that. If she were alive, she'd focus on how nice you treat your fans." Stiles tells him, and Derek smiles at him while he runs his hand through his hair. "Or maybe that fact that you're nice when you want to be." Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes. Stiles chuckles some while he moves closer to Derek.

"I like my fans, they're good people." Derek tells him, and Stiles nods his head. From what he's seen Derek and the rest of Unknown Artist's fans are good people, they're some that are rude and say that Stiles only married Derek for the money, but other than that they're really nice. Their story hasn't been sold yet, Stiles thought that Gregory would do that the first chance he got, but nothing yet. Derek nods at him before he moves closer to him, and Stiles leans forward some before kissing him. Derek makes a surprised noise, it's bit like a squeak, but he kisses him back. Stiles doesn't know why he just decided to kiss him, maybe because he's sad and lonely, or maybe because he just wanted too.

Stiles doesn't know what's come over him, and he moves to kiss him again. He needs this, he needs a distraction at the moment, and Derek smiles as he rolls over on top of Stiles. It's been too long since Derek's fucked, he's not going to cheat on Stiles even they aren't even really married, and Stiles wraps his legs around Derek's waist. "I want to do that again." Stiles says, and Derek chuckles as he moves to nods his head.

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