all around me are familiar faces, worn out faces, all around me are-

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“He just never listens! I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall half the time!” Julie sighed and leaned her head against the wall. “I don't know what I'm supposed to do,”
Sally pat Julie's back comfortingly. “Hey, at least once you've hit rock bottom the only way you can go is up, right?”

“Oh you’d be surprised,” Julie lets out an annoyed laugh, “Wally thrives on getting heavy-duty drills and drilling his way to rock bottom's basement.” she took a deep breath, before standing up straight. Julie mumbled to herself “It's fine, everything is fine, there's nothing to worry about,”
She opened the storage closet, grabbing the supplies Poppy had asked for. “It's just- he doesn't listen when I tell him things, he doesn't get any of my hints, at this point I'm half convinced he's ignoring them on purpose.”

“Maybe he's still salty about the divorce,” Sally said as she picked up a box filled with flour and measuring cups. “I mean, it's only been two years, and I know for other situations that's a long time but I would argue wounds are still fresh.”

Julie groaned, “I know, but I'm honestly just over it already, I mean, we’ve been civil with each other,” she then mumbled to herself, “…other than for a few petty things…” she shook the thought away, picking up a box filled with sugar and spices “but other than that we don't always try to kill each other!”

Sally nodded, “Yeah, It's only like once every three weeks now! That's like a world record for you two!” she joked, before getting playfully shoved by Julie. “Hey! You almost made me drop my box!”

“Good, it's what you deserve for being so mean to me,” Julie joked, with a laugh, the two of them now walking through Wally’s main lab, walking past Wally's experiments. Then, of course, the main lab room. There was a wall of glass with warning signs, and on the other side was a room where Wally would test typically gasses that were considered dangerous.

Everyone in the room had gas masks on, and the subject was strapped onto a metal table. She could only faintly hear Wally's voice through the glass, it was muffled, and she couldn't make out any words. She couldn't help but stare, watching intensely.

“Julie, common, poppy needs us to-”

“Somethings wrong.” Julie cut Sally off. Something was missing, but she didn't know what. She watched as the pink gas started to slowly fill the room Wally was testing in. “do you know what the gas is?”

“The gas? Uh.. according to the chart…” Sally looked at the clipboard next to the glass door. “...uhh….it sounds like gibberish to me, some sort of…emotion enhancer? Wait…” she reread the board confused.

Barnaby then walked by with a robotic leg in his arm. “Oh, Wally was talking about this to me earlier. He discovered some sort of chemical, it's still rather experimental though.”
Julie nodded, not taking her eyes off Wally for a second. “What's it do?” She watched as Wally and the team started to take samples from the test subject, and Wally seemed to be asking the subject questions.

“Well, he has a few theories, and in simple terms, it's either a truth spell or a love potion. It's still unknown what exactly it is but-”

Julie's eyes went wide, but not from what Barnaby had said. No, the subject had managed to break through the leather straps and punched Wally in the face, making Wally fall to the floor. His mask had fallen off his face.

A look of dread fell on both Wally’s and Julie's faces as they made eye contact.
“fuck!” Julie panicked, and ran towards the control panels, looking for the emergency stop button. She immediately pressed it, shutting the gas off and setting off the emergency protocols. She watched as several of the scientists restrained the subject, and Wally immediately sedated the subject with a syringe.

till death do we part (RF wally x rf julie) Where stories live. Discover now