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An alarm blared through Wally's ears, making him groan as he turned the alarm off.


It's too early for this…’ he thought to himself, not bothering to sit up from his bed as he turned the lamp on nearby. ‘I need to get ready…’ he thought to himself, as he stared at the bedside table.

I can't be late for work…’

It wasn't a real concern he had, he was always to work on time, assuming he didn't just sleep in his office. This was probably the first night in weeks where he had actually slept in the facility dorms, and he admittedly didn't get much of it, falling asleep at nearly 2am.

Yet he didn't get up.


Just move, it's not that difficult.’ he felt like his limbs were too heavy to move, even though realistically they weren't.
Sure, maybe his prosthetic arm was heavy, but after years of living with it, his body had already developed the necessary muscles to keep it from causing too much pain at all.

He glanced back at the clock.

4:20 am.

Dammit.’ he sighed and finally got up from his bed. He needed to be at his office by 4:40 while the other employees would get there by 5.
He quickly got dressed and ready, attempting his best to not be late.


Wally was barely able to finish his pompadour as he realized the time. If he ran he might be able to make it on time.

“Fuc- ugh, dammit,” he quickly grabbed a few things he would need for the workday.

“I'm missing something,” he mumbled, before glancing at the door. “Lab coat, files, notes,” Wally checked off his mental list.
He quickly put on his lab coat and bolted out of the dorm room, walking quickly, yet silently to not disturb others.

He finally walked up to the two large metal doors and reached into his pocket for his key card.

4:40 am.

Are you kidding me?’

Wally quickly searched through his other pockets, accidentally dropping a file that scattered all over the ground.

He knelt down onto the floor, to pick the file up and attempt to reorganize it while on the ground before anyone saw him. He let out an annoyed sigh, deciding to simply throw all the files in at once and reorganize them later.

He kept his stuff on the ground next to him as he started desperately searching through all of his pockets, that feeling like the air around him was crushing him.

“Forget your key?” Julie broke through the air, making Wally freeze up. He quickly stood up, picking his stuff up with him as he shook his head.

“Why would you think that? I was just tying my shoes.”

Julie raised an eyebrow and looked at Wally's shoes, which had no shoelaces to tie, before looking back up at him.

“...uh-huh, okay. Mind being a gentleman and opening the door then?” Julie crossed her arms and stood there, staring Wally down.

“...” Wally looked at the metal door for a solid 5 seconds before starting to walk past Julie. “I forgot a file in the dorms.”

Julie sighed, “You left your key in the office yesterday on your desk.”

Wally scoffed, “and how would you know that?” he asked, turning to look Julie in the eyes.

Julie then said all in one breath: “Because you’ll sometimes leave it on your desk and you always swear you’ll remember to bring it with you when you leave because it's in plain sight but, especially on nights where you get only 2 hours of sleep, but it usually ends up underneath another piece of paper and you end up forgetting about it because you think you left it in your pocket when you very much did not.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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