●Chapter Five●

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This chapter contains mentions of drug use!


You mumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with confusion. Mikey audibly squealed from the cuteness and donnie himself felt his heart melt a little.

"Do not be afraid small, human child. We have helped you."

You stared up at him, confusion on your little face very apparent. But, you found no reason to be afraid of them, you were still at the age where any odd thing appeared normal to you. You felt so much better, not being in pain and finally not feeling hungry.

You looked down to your hands, and your body, gazeing curiously. You looked- different. You felt, so..clean. your hair, your skin, you felt- better. You couldn't explain it.

Mikey looked like he was going to explode in from of you and you finally looked at him. He waved, smiling brightly.

"Hello little one! I'm Mikey, this is Donnie!"

You waved back shyly.


"Whats your name? Whats your favorite food? Favorite color?-"

"Mikey, calm down. Your going to overwhelm them."


He whined. You blinked a few times, not sure what to say or what to do. You didn't want to be yelled at, or have somthing thrown at you. So you tried your best to answer the questions with much difficulty. Your throat hurt at the attempt to talk.

"My name...my...name.."

You had to actually think, you could tell remember the last time The Man had referred to by it.


Donnie frowned deeply and Mikey looked concerned.

"Who called you that?"

He spoke softly, and with such care. The soft shell almost never showed such soft empathy. Mikey looked up at donnie, pride shining in his eyes before his focus returned to you.


You responded, holding your throat a little. Donnie noticed.

"Does it hurt to talk?"

You nodded. He sighed and went to go get water.

"Who is.. 'the man'?"

Mikey asked, sitting up on the table with you.

"The man."

You responded.

"Hes very loud. And he throws things at me, he also shoves a needle in his arm and gets very move-y. Thats when he hits me most. But I ran away!"

You shrugged your shoulders, looking up to a very horrified Mikey. You frowned, did you say somthing wrong? You began to frett, worried you did somthing to ruin the kind things they had already done for you.

"No no don't worry I'm not mad at you."

Mikey cooed, trying to pat your head. You flinched back looking up at him with fear. He paysed for a second, and then he gently rested his hand on your head and began to pet.

You didn't know quite what to do, so you just let it happen after blinking a few times in confusion. You began to like the sensation, smiling a little weakly. His brotherly instincts screamed internally to hug you but he restrained himself. You weren't ready just yet, and that was okay.

"We aren't going to yell or hit you here.."

He assured, patting your head in calm stroking motions. You tilted your head up, a spark of hope lining your features.


"I promise."

He held up his pinky finger, to which you just looked at it, and then back to him. He chuckled a little awkwardly.

"This is called a 'pinky promise', its an unbreakable promise."

You nod. He took your hand and locked pinkeys with you.

"I promise to never hit you."

You smiled, brighter this time, absolutely melting the box turtles heart. Just then, Donnie can back with a cold bottle of water. He cracked it open, and handed to you.

"Can you hold this?"

You picked it up, your hand shaking with the weight. As soon as you realized it was water, you began to gulp it down.

"Hey- hey! You are going to make yourself sick, drink it slowly."

And so you did. Slowing your pace until it was all gone. Donnie smiled proudly for a second before coughing into his hand to hide it.

"Very good-"

"Was that a smile Donnie?"

Mikey beamed.

"What- no of course...not!"

Suddenly raph was standing in the doorway. Dropping what was in his arms.

"They are awake...AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?!"

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