•Chapter nine•

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Draxum was growing more and more troubled as the days went by.

He went to visit you weeks ago, if only to give you some more food or a new human garment to make up for the months where he couldn't. but you weren't in your usual shelter.

He didn't think much of it, perhaps you were simply begging again. Out a bit later, you did that time to time.

He had been growing fond of you, such a pathetic creature..but one treated unfairly. You reminded him of Hunnin and Munnin, when they were treated like runts.

Perhaps you, too, could have a use for him. This thought was mostly an excuse to justify wanting to eventually bring you in, because in reality he did not need a human child.

What could you bring to him that he didn't already have? He had two loyal henchmen, and you weren't nearly as durable as them anyway...perhaps he could find use for your small size in the mechanics of his lab..but what happens when you grow larger? Unlike yokai humans grow to around the same size..

Hunnin suggested that you might be able to "spy" on other humans, given your social ability to remain invisible. Draxum thought on this but waved it away, he was getting the information he needed just fine on his own, and he could not afford liabilities.

Munnin offered that you could serve as a lab assistant. You had better motor skills than they did for experimentation and could work around more skillfully than they could.

Draxum thought about waving this idea away too, but in all honesty this was a good idea. It would help to have someone of his ability around the lab, and he was used to playing waiting games in terms of fruition of labor.

He decided he would put in the effort to raise you and teach you, in return for a lab assistant...

When he returned a few days later to your little megar shelter in the crevasse of the ally he was displeased to see that you were not there either. Perplexed he waited for your return, but you never appeared back.

It had grown apparent you were no longer on the streets, as he had looked whenever he was running missions up top.

Had someone taken you before him? Where you off worse? Perhaps the human authorities took you into their governments care..whatever it was, there as little possibility that he would ever see you again.

This saddened him, and to his surprise he couldn't immediately get over it. He was unsure why, you were just some random human street urchin he took compassion upon. Perhaps it was a mourning for the effort and time he took already into you?

As the days went by the anger he got at humans as a whole. You were a child, it was foul that he couldn't even trust other humans not to have killed you. Hate boiled inside him, this was just proof to keep him on the right path.

If humans were a danger to their own kind, then what was keeping them from being a danger to yokai?

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