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Hello, Lovelies!
   Thank you for choosing my collection of short stories.

   Each of these tales were written and plotted in a month as part of a school project. (To clarify, they had a month each, not just one consecutive month. That would be torture.)

   Warning in advance, they aren't really good. Definitely need some TLC. I'll soon be in the editing/rewriting phase, so if you want to read the rawest version, please read it now. Who knows, though. I might end up abandoning them as is.
  There are three so far;
      1. Treasure hunt
      2. Among Us
      3. The Will of the Sea

    I ask that you all be kind in the comment section. If you don't like my stories you don't have to read them-that's completely up to you. And if you'd like to share the reasons why you've decided to quit reading, you're totally welcome to, just please be nice about it. No hate comments. 

      That being said, all polite constructive criticism and grammatical corrections are welcome, and I would love to hear your opinions, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts.

      I encourage you guys to just have fun. Snuggle up in a comfy chair, hydrate yourself; because health is important, kick back and relax as we suffer through my short school collection.

      In other words; Welcome to the product of a torturous few months of my life.

Trigger warnings:

    In books 1 and 3 there are drowning scenes in various levels of fatality and description.

     In 2, many, many people die. Some have soft descriptions. Others are a little harsher. At the moment, it's kinda fluffy, but in the editing phase, I plan to add more descriptions and stuff.

     Please be careful. I don't want to trigger any of you.

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