Side Story 5 - Elijah and Alaska Part 2

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I blinked my eyes open as I awoke from an empty dream. My teacher was standing in front of me with a frown on her face. She sighed and gave me a note that had all the discussions that happened in class.

Looking around me, the class was already over and everyone was leaving for lunch and headed to the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I didn't mean to."

"Are you okay, Eli?" She pursed her lips. "You don't ever fall asleep at class, did something happen?"

"N-nothing." I lied and picked my stuff and the note she gave me. "Thank you, Ms. Jenny." I hurried out the door and I could feel her weary gaze as I step out of the classroom.

I kept my head down as I made my way through the halls. I felt a bit tired and hazy as I stumbled a bit with each step. I settled down in front of my locker and took a breather.

I shoved my stuff inside the locker and then gripped my chest as I breathed in and out. I was exhausted from thinking too much. My mind's been distracted since earlier. Monica's still waiting for an answer from me and I also need to clear up the whole thing with Alaska.

"Eli?" Someone tapped my shoulder and thankfully it was just another friend of mine.


He had his pitch black hair parted to reveal bis forehead. He wore flannel jacket, a slingbag, and some denim pants. He held my shoulder with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, what's up with you? I heard you fell asleep on class?" He concerned. "What happened man?"

"I'm fine." I waved him off. "Just a bit tired."

"Bullshit." He cursed. "It's obvious something's up. The fact that you're moping about it here and not with her means it probably has something to do with Alaska right?"

I stayed silent and that seemed to answer his question.

He sighed and pulled my ear. "Did you guys get into a fight or something?" He smiled at me with relieved look. "I thought something bad happened, you're just having a couple's fight."

"We aren't a couple."

"Yeah yeah. Did another girl confess to you or something?" He leaned on the locker next to me. "You're getting more of those now that you're doing really well in class and you're handsome to boot."

"It's tiring." I complained but it's not like he'll believe me anyways. He's the type to really like girls' attention.

"I could only imagine." He stared off into space. "Girls all over looking to date you and be your girlfriend, I could only dream of such heaven."

"It's more painful that it looks." I let my head touch the metal behind me. I pursed my lips and thought of Alaska's apologetic face as she left me and disappeared within the crowd. I wanted to reach out to her then but I couldn't.

"Well, shouldn't you should take this lunch as a chance to apologize to her for whatever you did wrong." Andrew pointed out. "You don't want to delay apologizing to her."

"You're right but-" I stopped cause I could feel the eyes of someone burning into me from afar. I glanced around and from somewhere near the entrance to another room was a group of girls surrounding one girl and cheering her on. It was Monica, the girl who comfessed to me.

Her friends were hyping her up as she gazed at me embarrassingly. We met eyes for a moment and she yelped in surprise, her face turning red and poofing up. She smiled apologetically and waved a bit then she turned to elbow her friends for being noisy. It was kinda funny seeing her a bit flustered like that.

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