Introduction And Characters

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A/N- Hola Amigos!! This is the character list of 'LOVE IN HATE'. Some chapters can be triggering and depressing to read but they can also help as a solution as well so do make sure to give it a try. Your comments, follow and votes will be highly appreciated. This is my first time writing this so feel free to correct me.

All copyrights reserved and the story is original.

I won't be giving too much information in the character's introduction, the name and age should be enough as the aesthetics will speak up words themselves.

Now let's move forward in what is to take place in Isabella Delgado or must I say Isabella Caputo's life. What storm is forming beneath her little world of hopes and dreams. How is she gonna take upon this storm? Will she fight it? Will she give up? Will she simultaneously follow it or will she make it follow her?
Good luck with reading readers!


Isabella, the name itself holds a fate with the connection of life and death, 'God is my oath'.

Life doesn't have a meaning unless you put one in it. To know how to exist for survival or survive for existing, creates a thin line between the dead and alive.

15 Year old Isabella Delgado's life turned upside down when she was met with the staggering information of her hidden family. Blaming her wavering and unstable past, containing the scars left by her unfilled wounds, she ever accept her fate with destiny or give in the meaning of it?

There are two types of fear, the one which keeps you up or the one that shuts you down. The dilemma you fall in, is if you want to be the one to shut or the one to be up and wide awake.
Isabella chooses the one which leads her to catch up with her running fate, deep inside the meaning of her driven life she accepts to exist.

Will she take help of her forgotten family or those she refuses to remember? Will she be able to grapple amidst the broken bonds or keep up the façade? Will the demons under her bed keep her up, or will they shut her?

Will she, give up? or will life give her in?

Caputo Family

Isabella Caputo (14)

Isabella Caputo (14)

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Isaac Caputo (14)

Isaac Caputo (14)

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