Chapter 3 - Drugged

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Isaac's POV

Bells have been unconscious for 4-5 hours now.

It's almost 10 PM. As soon as she collapsed in my arms in her bathroom, everyone has been disturbed. I told them how her nose was bleeding and how it was difficult for her to breathe. She kept gasping for breath.

I carried her in my arms to her bed and called Tonio right away. They were all in her room in seconds.


Lio is currently going through her reports right now. We all are sitting in her room, the twins sprawled against her closet, Seb standing beside Lio with his hands crossed firmly as his brows are creased together in annoyance. Tonio and Lio being doctors give us an advantage in these type of situations although they can have cons has well.

Tonio helps in our family business while Lio is still going to the university. He also gets professional practice with Tonio while helping in the business so he is ahead of his universities lessons.

Ez is talking to Tonio while he tells her about how weak her body is. She has calcium, iron deficiency and haemoglobin low. Her muscles on her arms and legs tell she does workout with how stiff they feel, does she ever relaxes her muscles? How can they be so tough when she is so weak internally.

I was at basketball practice in my school and trying to delay as much as possible to come home. I was contemplating in meeting her. Xander finally dragged me in the car after I almost delayed for an hour. I went straight to my room without talking to anyone. It get's a lot when I am around all my brothers. They can be too much sometimes.

I didn't want to meet her because I was scared, what if she hates me? What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I am desperate to meet her.

I waited for her and mum for years and now that she is finally here I didn't want to meet her. I was in my room trying to resist meeting her, that was until my brothers caught up with my "escape meeting her methods" and Ez ordered me to bring her downstairs to eat something.


I practiced my speech of saying "Hi, I am your twin" once again and entered her room. I didn't see her there but heard the water tap running and the bathroom door open. I walked pressing my toes against my shoes trying to avoid walking in on her naked or something when I heard her refrained coughing and gasping. I rushed inside to find blood all over the sink with her trying to bend and reach out to the tap.

"Bells!?" She was barely able to stand. I rushed beside her and held her by the waist, splashing water over her face and making her drink a little to catch her breathing. She spat it out though, not even realising it.

"Isabella!" I tried making her stand while she started splashing water on her face with her own hands, now able to gain strength. I felt her freeze while looking in the mirror at my reflection. Her expressions and face emotions went through what looked like 20 new cycle.

I stared in the mirror where she was staring at me and her eyes snapped to meet mine. She blinked once and I removed my hand from her waist hoping she can stand now.

I couldn't help but let the tears fill my eyes. She looked like me, her expressions, her eyes, her face, her lips, her nose, hair, everything.

She looked pretty with the water droplets dripping of her long lashes. A total beauty. My twin. My parent's youngest daughter. My other half and the person to share the same womb with me for 9 months. The tear slipped down my eye when she blinked again.

I brought my self the courage to ask her, ignoring the lump forming in my throat. "Are you okay now?"

She went through a series of thoughts while she kept staring. I dropped my head down feeling the disappointment of meeting her like this. "This isn't how I wanted to meet my twin." I whispered before I could even think.

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