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The next morning the mist settled into the town, making a beautiful yet mischievous layer of white. Me and the others get up and do our morning routines. Toni knocks on the doors. "Oy. Boss wants all of yoos to meet him outside." We lay on the couch for a few more minutes, then head outside to meet with Jen and Flynn. Just outside the inn, there was a large stone creature, its eyes dim and body dormant. We all chat for a few minutes, then Garashi flew from the window and landed next to it. "its name is Gorder" I studied the figure for a few moments. It's big...but the large abundance of rocks create a mass that made a bad attempt to mimic a human figure. The large head and hollowed eyes seemed to balance it. Garashi whipped his hand in a circle, the eyes of the Golem glowing red. "Gorder...where?" Garashi looks at Gorder "you will assist these humans to The Gate. If they travel anywhere else, you will assist them" The large Golem nods, dust from the rocks coming from his body. "Gorder help find Gate" Flynn started to jump up and down as he walked around the golem "i-its amazing! Gorder, can you find the ingredients to make another Emblem?" Flynn listed off the ingredients for an Earth Emblem. Various amounts of soil, rocks, moss and a crystal from the underground. Gorder nodded and trekked off outside the city, jumping up high enough to go over the giant wall.

After Gorder left to get the ingredients, I said "let's go around town and try to explore it a bit in case there's a-" I didn't need to finish my sentence. Flynn, Jen and Yaru nodded. "why don't we go in teams? Spirit and Yami can go as one and me and Jen can go as another." me and Yaru nod, taking my hand for a moment. We walk toward the gate and look around the corridors. "huh...not a bad town if I'm honest" Yaru mutters. I stay silent for a moment before replying "regardless. It's better to know this place in case something happens." Yaru nods, both of us continuing to explore the rest of the town.

A few hours had passed before Gorder returned to the Bazaar. We all met up before sundown. Flynn smiled and asked "so, how was you're little date?" Me and Yaru blushed for a moment, before I said "was nice. Got to see the town. Lots of corridors that was can use to confuse the enemy." As I finished my sentence, Gorder landed near the Bazzar and placed the ingredients down with a thunk. Flynn looked at them and nodded, obviously impressed. "Amazing...he's like a robot!" Gorder tilted his head "Gorder Robot?" Flynn shook his head vigorously "nononono- your a golem don't worry- okay next thing!" He placed a glass type of material on the table. "Okay, now use these materials with your earth Magic" Gorder attempted a nod, and raised up his arms, a piece of earth spiked through the ground, causing the bazaar to shake. The emblem flashed, the materials on the table absorbed into the glass material. It floated for a moment before lowering down on the table. Flynn said "okay, now we need the compass Spirit" I nodded and took out the compass, hiding the slight shudder of annoyance he had with the name. Flynn used the same dust that he used at the tower, the emblem going into the Compass. A flash enveloped them, and it floated down on the table. The needle of the compass pointed northwest. I thought for a moment "maybe...is it pointing to the guardian of the Air?" Flynn blinked and said "maybe...we might need to find out." Garashi halted them "wait! Don't you have something else to do?" I blinked, then realized "that's right! We need to go to the castle where the Earner is!" He looked at Gorder and said "can you stay here please?" Gorder nodded "Gorder stay and guard."

Sakira, Flynn, Jen and Yaru went down toward The Earner's castle, where they would talk about that job he wanted someone to do. The entryway to the castle was both gigantic and majestic. Rose bushes on each side, towers that looked as if they reached the sky, having statues of unicorns at the drawbridge entrance. "they're more viscous then humans think" Blaze muttered as he studied the statues. Private shopkeepers at the entrance way that looked bored. Blaze felt sympathy for them, so he walked over to one of the shops. The shopkeepers immediately gained interest. One of them said "Good morning good sir! Would you like to see my wares?" Sakira smiled in amusement as he watched Blaze interact with the shopkeepers. He studied the area for five minutes, then said "we need to be on our best behavior." Fynn nodded and stood next to Jen. I noticed Jen hadn't really said anything for awhile. "you okay Leaf?" She nodded, and said "just...processing everything" Yaru nodded with a small smile "I can understand that." I nodded as well while walking near the entrance to the castle, where guards that stood six to seven feet tall crossed their spears together to block them from entering. A voice that was deep and sounded condescending called from the hall "They're my guests..." He sighed as the guards lifted their spears.

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