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Everyone took their positions, and Flynn placed the gem in the center of them, a light encircling them like a force field. All of us teleported in a random forest near the river. I was up in a tree, Flynn near the river, Jen a few meters away. Gorder was standing up, not affected by the magic blast and Ventus was just below me. "everyone alright?" I asked with a laugh, my heart pounding with excitement. They all either moaned in pain, nodded or stayed silent. I jumped out of the tree with a perfect landing, though I shudder when I felt the impact. "um...help?" Ventus said. I chuckle and help Ventus with ease. After getting everyone together, I looked around the area. "This is really pretty.." Jen muttered. It had a large forest and a river that expanded into an ocean. The ocean in particular had giant pearls that could be seen from far away "Indeed, but we must be careful. Flynn can you set up camp?" Flynn nodded and got the Cube out, setting it up rather easily.

"I'm going to scout ahead and see if there are any towns or villages nearby." They all nodded, and he walked north. Several miles down the forest was a beach and the ocean. He noticed a few different structures made out of sandstone with patterns that were similar to pictures. "wow..." I muttered to himself. He walked down a bit more, and men jumped out of the sand. "Halt!" said one of the men. They were wearing large sea shells on their undergarments, their skin covered in sand.

"state your business traveler!" I take a moment to explain. "Im looking for the leader of this village. Me and my friends are on a mission to find the Gate." The two guards looked at him with hostile eyes. They walked back and discussed with each other for what seemed like minutes, then walked back to where I was. "very well. Come with us." It only took minutes to walk to an enormous castle made out of sandstone. I looked at the structure in awe. It's amazing Me and the guards entered the main hall and looked around. He noticed a man sitting in the throne. "So, your this Sakira that everyone has been talking about." his voice was gruffly. His trident was the sea's color, reflecting off what was outside. "yes" I said. I take a moment to think of what I want to say "This might take awhile, you're highness." After about an hour of explaining what my mission was he said

"I see...my name is Hyro, my son Akar can assist you if you wish." He tapped his trident on the hard floor, Akar walking out. "Yes dad?" he says with a bored sigh. He looked over at me, and his interest immediately shot up. "Oh! A visitor?" Hyro looked at Akar with a cold stare. "Akar, you had a feeling that you're purpose would become clear in a year, yes? This is Sakira, he is looking for the Gate." Akar shuddered in excitement and walked up to me. , then walked around me as if I was fresh kill in the forest. "interesting...alright...Sakira was it? I will join you." I chuckle and nod, "Alright, we have to go by nicknames." Akar stares at me, then says "very well. Call me Aqua." I nod and head with Akar back to camp.

Once me and Akar arrive back to the camp, I explain what we have so far. Akar nods and says "I see...so in order for us to open the gate...we need all seven elements to come together...would that be the key?" I look at the sky and say "honestly...I'm not sure what the actual key would be. Maybe it's the compass itself" I'm not to sure in all honesty. All I know is that we need to find it Flynn immediately walked over and started to talk with Akar. "We should be able to pass there no problem" I said with a nod to Aqua. I take a deep breath then say "So...this is it. This is what we have built up to" he looked at all of his friends. If they were able to find this gate, he finally could. They walked through the city and noticed small things that I didn't see before. All of the buildings were made out of sandstone or even sand, giant oysters were used as furniture in the houses, and seaweed was used for the curtains of houses and shops. They all walk through the city in awe, until they get to another camping area. Flynn sitting on a stump, he sighed. "finally...it wont be long until we get to the Gate..." Yaru nodded. "It feels like so much time has passed since then..." I nodded. Six months...since we left Vill Edge...since my sister passed away After a few minutes, Flynn got to work in setting up the Water Emblem. "Annnnd finished" Flynn said with excitement. The Emblem was made out of a seashell. Then he said "okay Aqua, now you use your water magic to put in the emblem with the ingredients of the sea I asked you to collect, then the compass is complete!" Aqua nodded and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath as he raised his hand, and water from the river went over to the emblem. It glowed with the color of the deep ocean. Flynn then used the same technique as he did before. The Compass glowed the color of the rainbow. Flynn gasped and the compass fell on the ground, revealing a large map. There was a glowing dot on it. "is...is that the gate?" I asked. Flynn studied it for five minutes. "I...I think the compass IS the gate" everyone stared at Flynn. "or no...its the final key to the gate" I ruffled Flynn's hair and smiled. "well, whatever the case" I said, "we finally did it everyone. Now we just need to get there.

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