Chapter 9: Over the wall

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Summary: Zenitsu asked Giyuu about what happened with him and Muzan. Why the fuck would you marry the demon king anyway?


Zenitsu knows something. All the other demon slayers knew it. The hashira's, the Kamaboko squad. Everyone.

So what was it that Zenitsu knew you asked? It all started a long time ago (It was two weeks ago)

Zenitsu felt groggy, his body ached in ways he couldn't describe. He rose from the bed he was laying in and found Kaigaku at the foot, sitting down and muttering to himself. Zenitsu rubbed his eyes and called out to him.

"Kaigaku" His voice was airy and tired. Slowly, he crawled toward the demon and sat beside him. He just stared at Kaigaku, neither of them saying a word to each other.

"Are you–"

"Shut up" Kaigaku interrupted.

This made Zenitsu grumble. Whatever, he was sleepy. Kaigaku could do whatever the hell he wants, this doesn't concern him.

As Zenitsu was about to go back to sleep, he heard Kaigaku speak up "Have you, ever wondered what would happen if a demon and a human got together?" He asked.

'What?' Zenitsu stared at him like he grew another head. Kaigaku felt the staring on his back which made him shiver a bit. Kaigaku turned his head to look at him and grunted a bit, making Zenitsu flinch back.

"I'd have my head for telling you this..." He mumbled. Zenitsu tilted his head in confusion. The demon patted beside him, gesturing Zenitsu to sit. While still weary, the lightning user felt no threat and complied.

Zenitsu sat beside him once more and Kaigaku slumped down. The two felt a sense of familiarity, looking back to the few times they got along and would just lie down like this after training.

It felt comfortable. Kaigaku just rubbed his head on Zenitsu's shoulder and Zenitsu just let him. Not moving or anything.

"That hashira of yours, the water one," Kaigaku described. Zenitsu knew who he was talking about. But it was odd that he was even mentioning him. Then Zenitsu thought, 'Does kaigaku know Tomioka-san?' he shook his head. Nah, it was impossible...but then again, what if Tomioka was sent on a mission and ran into kaigaku? That wouldn't be surprising at all but still, it was odd.

"Oi crybaby, are you listening to me?" Kaigaku snarled, snapping Zenitsu out of his thoughts. The blond shook his head and answered(More like questioned)


"Yeah, him or whatever"

Kaigaku fell silent again, unsure whether or not to tell his...What the fuck was Zenitsu to him anyway? Enemy? By default yeah, they are enemies. But what about personally?

The demon didn't bother and just shook his head. He sat up straight and looked at Zenitsu who was even more confused. "What I'm about to tell you might sound crazy or whatever but I need you to listen to me" He explained, to which Zenitsu nodded.

Kaigaku nodded back. "Ok so, The demon king and Tomioka. They're married" He informed.

Zenitsu just stared. His mouth widened with shock. He didn't know how to feel. There was no way Tomioka would. As shut out as Zenitsu knew, Tomioka would never get married to that thing unless he got forced.

The blonde's face turned serious "Why" He simply asked. Kaigaku shrugged and fell on the bed, covering his eyes "Holy fuck why did I tell you that" He scowled. Zenitsu ignored the complaint and poked him urging the older male to tell him more.

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