Chapter 1

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(Not my best work)

A couple years later

Quill's P.O.V

I watched a red furred young tom with white spots jump about scratching the tree obviously exercising his battle tactics and sharpening his claws he stepped back flipped forward twirled and scratched so hard that sap slowly flowed out. "Good hit I wouldn't of even expected that." I scared him so bad he jumped around and stared up at me on the fence. "Wow didn't mean to scare you jumpy." I said playfully I gracefully jumped down into the moonlight. My pelt was white with black stripes and scratches all over my pelt I also had copper eyes. I stepped closer and then sat down and started to groom myself. The tom relaxed and also sat down. "So what's your name?" I asked. "Flame! I'm going to be so strong I'll be able to take on anyone!" Flame responded excited. "Nice name I'm Quill. I could teach you a couple of moves if you want." I responded and opened a single eye to see his reaction to revealing my identity and then something caught my eye there was a bit of movement in the bush up ahead seems like we have some company I thought. "Wait your the kit murderer the one who killed her sister and mother." Flame said as his mouth dropped. "Ha!" I laughed and put a paw to my mouth to stifle my laughter and then tossed a paw out. "Nah I didn't kill a kit let alone my own sister and mother is that what there calling me now the the quote unquote kit killer." I joked. Then the cat from the bush leaped out and stood over him protectively. Flame crouched looking scared. "Yes and I would appreciate it if you leaved your not welcome here!" She snarled baring her teeth. "Flame what did I tell you about wandering away from the group no coming out with us for a week mister you could've been killed!" She snapped at Flame. He winced away upset he looked as if he was scared this cat would swat him. "I'm sorry Icicle." He said sadly and I flinched slightly the word Icicle made me uncomfortable as it reminded me of my mother. "I love you sis you know I just love adventuring and fighting and doing stuff on my own." He sulked and his sister's expression changed. "I know I just don't want you getting hurt she's dangerous." She murmured softly and I growled a little bit very softly I knew it wasn't her fault but it angered me people saying I was dangerous to their kits but I let it go. "You should go Quill." She said protecting her brother I pretended none of this bothered me like I normally did. "Alright I know when I'm not wanted. Maybe I'll see you around Flame." I said as I gracefully turned away and then bounded off a little and a little bit into the bush clear enough everyone could see where I was going and slipped through a log that led to Crystal's territory my home.

Flame's P.O.V
I heard my sister tell me to follow her back home and I sulkily followed behind her looking at the ground. I wanted to go with Quill she was nice and didn't seem dangerous. I looked up at my sister she looked back making sure I was following after a while she stopped checking and I thought this is my chance! I quickly turned around and bounded for where I had seen Quill disappearing and heard my sister say. "What Flame oh no you don't!" She quickly scooped me up and I wriggled around and scratched her face and she dropped me in shock. "Ow!" She yelled putting her paw to her wound and as soon as I landed with a thud on my belly I picked myself up and ran to where Quill had disappeared. I burst into a small clearing with a log and thought that must've been where Quill disappeared off to. I could hear my sister's pawsteps rushing behind me. I looked around for somewhere to hide where my scent wouldn't be discovered. I spotted some ferns that still wet from the rain yesterday and leaped into them and rolled around hoping the scent of wet dirt and ferns on my fur would cover my scent. My sister burst into the clearing looking around wildly, I crouched lower as she carefully scanned the area and sniffed for my scent. "Hmm" she checked the log for my scent. "Hm his scent isn't here that's good it means he didn't go after that murderer but it still means I have to search the whole bush for him ugh. If you can hear me Flame when I find you, you are so dead." She said annoyed and bounded off, I stayed where I was knowing she would double check I wasn't here in a couple seconds she came back and nodded before bounding off again. I slunk out of the ferns and made a B line for the log. I walked inside then further along I bumped into something I looked at what I had bumped into and it was Quill. She looked around shocked and then smiled at me. "So you decided to join me huh." She smiled. "Yep! I want to hear the story from your perspective because you don't seem like the stories say so something's fishy and I know you wouldn't lie so I'm gonna hear your version of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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