chapter 4

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Ohma was currently in the classroom as the teacher was going over geometry witch Ohma hated. He just looked out the window thinking about how today was gonna play out. He suspected they where gonna tell him today seeing how they are more laidback then normal. 

"Hey Ohma". Rias called his name quietly and he leaned over to her to hear her. 

"What's up"? Ohma asked her as she took a second to speak up. 

"Come by the clubroom Today, I wanna tell you about something after school". Rias told Ohma who looked up and nodded his head as he leaned back in his chair and smirked. 

"Well it looks like my hypothesis was correct, I am interested on how this is gonna play out". Ohma told himself as he looked back over to Rias and Akeno. "The real question is why trust someone you just met"? That was what Ohma really wanted to know, trust a random guy you just met 2 days ago. 

time skip 

Ohma was walking out of the school as the day finally was over and started to walk towards the ORC building.  Ohma knew he needed to play it lowkey and to just simply say he believes in all that crap. 

"Alright lets get the show on the roll". Ohma continued to walk until he finally made it to the club and walked inside and went down the main wallway and walked into the main room. As he entered he saw Risa, Akeno, Kiba, Koneko. 

"Ohma, glad to see you showed up. Please take a seat". Rias told Ohma who nodded his head and sat down and starched his body. "So the reason Asked you to come is because you know this club speaks about supernatural things yes"? Rias asked the young man who gave her a thumbs up. "Do you personally believe in the supernatural"? Rias asked Ohma who took a second to respond. 

"Yes I do, I believe there are angels devils fallen angel's". Ohma told her and everyone seem to look a little more settled. 

"Good, because its real. Plus everyone in here are devils". Rias said and everyone showed there devil wings. 

"That pretty cool I wont lie. Explain the supernatural to me". Ohma asked and Rias started off with god the angles and the 4 original devil kings falling due to the sins they did. Then she explained the Devil faction then the fallen angles. Also she explained the great war the heavenly dragons and the fall of the 4 original devil kings and the faction soon singed off on ending the war. 

"Wow that's a lot to take it but its actually really cool. Them how are you all devils if most of the pureblooded ones died off in the war"? Ohma asked Rias and she responded after thinking. 

"We have a system that allows up to turn people into devil hybrids. its called the evil piece system created by the current Beelzebub. It was made to help us regain what we lost during the great war. The angles have a system similar but they use cards as position's, We use chess piece. For my peerage as they are called I am the king, Akeno is my queen, Kiba is my knight, and Koneko my rook". Ohma took in all the information and chuckled. 

"Damn, that is really cool. So what are you guys doing here. If your a high class devil for a powerful family why are you not in the underworld"?

"I run this town along side another group of devils. the student council are also part of the supernatural. It is are job as the same with the student council to protect the town from any kind of supernatural threat that comes into the town. That is why we are here rather then in the underworld". Rias told Ohma as he also knew about Sona already. "I am also in a tight situation that keeps me from home". Now that caught Ohma's intention figuring the thing was the marriage. 

"If you don't mind me asking what could keep such a lovely lady as yourself from home"? Rias blushed at his comment then recomposed herself and sighed. 

"Sense we lost a lot of pure blooded Devils, The remainder of them are signing there children off to a forced marriage to gain back more pure blooded devil's. I happen to be one of those unlucky girls who has been signed off to marry a man that make me sick and everyone else here". Rias explained to Ohma who sat there and noticed the aura in the room turned from interesting to low and down as he saw everyone looked a little down about this situation. 

"Who is he, must be a real dick if you guys all hate him so much"? The question brought more of a bad vibe in the room. 

"He see's woman as property. He does not care about me as a person he only want to have kids with me. I am nothing more then a trophy in his eyes as the head of the Gremory household. He is the heir to another powerful clan, Riser Phoenix". Jackpot, Ohma finally has some intel for himself on the situation. 

"Cant you just say no and not have to go threw"?  Ohma questioned Rias who shook her head. 

"No the only way to brake the contract is in a rating game, witch I have never competed in one and he has a 13-0 record in them. He also has a full peerage set." Rias explained the way to brake the contract and Ohma needed one more push. 

"Can someone else challenge him to free you"? Ohma asked Rias who cocked a eyebrow at the question from the young man. 

"Yes, technically someone could challenge him to a battle to free me. unfortunately there is no devil that would go against this marriage. So in the end I lose both ways". Rias explained to the young man. 

"hey have faith, something might just work in your favor". Ohma told Rias who was gonna speak up but the door opened and Sona walked in. 

"Hello Sona, what can I do for you"? Rias asked her best friend who saw everyone then saw Ohma. 

"Rias was right, he has a cold yet dominate aura to him. Not supernatural but not completely human". Sona told herself as she saw Ohma looked at her and smile as she blushed slightly but recomposed herself. "There is a stay that is on the lose, I have something to handle and wanted to ask if you could handle it". 

"Sure thing Sona, I will handle it". Rias told her as everyone saw Ohma stand up and walk Infront of her. 

"I don't believe we have met, Ohma Tokita". Ohma told her as he offered his hand and Sona shook it. 

"Sona Shitori, Its a pleasure to meet you Ohma". Sona told Ohma who smiled at her. 

"Oh also no need to sweat on the devil stuff. I know all about it". Ohma told her and she looked shocked to hear this. 

"Interesting, Alright Rias I am gonna head back, again nice to meet you Ohma". Sona smiled at him one more time before walking out of the room. 

"Alright then, Ohma you should probably head back to your house so we can go take care of this situation". Rias told Ohma who played it off. 

"Ok, be careful see you guys later". Ohma said as he walked out as everyone got ready for later tonight.  

At Ohma's house 

"So she told you about everything then, and you met Serafall's little sister?" Erza asked Ohma who nodded his head. 

"Well that just makes your job a lot easier and better to manage". Mio told the young man who was in the kitchen eating dinner. Ohma had a big apatite as his job makes him burn a lot of calories and fatigue's his muscles. So to make up for it he ate a ton of food. 

"Yes it does, she and her peerage are getting ready to go kill a stray that's been running around the town". Ohma told the girls as he continued to eat until he finished and slammed the rest of his drink. 

"Remember, your mission is also to keep her safe from harm". Kuroka told the young man who threw his plate away and put his silverware and cup on the counter. "So how are you gonna do that while she is fighting at the same time"? Ohma thought for a second then smirked. 

"Simple, I will go watch out and if things start to get bad on her side I engage and bring the stray down. Short and simple solution". Ohma told them as he sense they where on the move. 

"Seems like they are on the move". Mio spoke up and Ohma threw his shoes on and walked to the door. 

"Lets see what she and her group are capital of together". Ohma said as he walked outside and headed to where there energy signatures where.  

BAMMMMMMMM, chapter 4 done, like and leave a comment on how you think the battle will go down. as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTTTTTTT. 

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