Chapter 8

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Ohma was currently inside the ORC with Rias and her group of friends. Asia met Ohma today and he found her sweet and kinda. Now it was a matter of time.

"This is gonna be a pretty cool fight". Kiba said and Ohma nodded his head.

"Of course it's gonna be, I am more then prepared for this fight guys.  I am much stronger then you think". Ohma told them as they nodded there heads.

"So if you win Rias is free, but if you lose he kills you"? Koneko asked and Ohma nodded.

"Yep, but I won't be dying today. That is something you can hold me accountable for. Riser is gonna get a nasty reality check". Ohma said smirking as a gray magical circle formed and Grayfia stepped out with Sirzechs.

"Brother, Grayfia". The devils bowed and Sirzechs waved it off.

"Please everyone at ease I just wanted to come meet the challenger". Sirzechs said and Rias stood
up and waved her head at Ohma.

"This is Ohma Tokita brother, he is the one who will be fighting Riser today". Rias told him and the 2 acted like they didn't know each other.

"It's a pleasure to meet Lucifer himself". Ohma said shaking Sirzechs hand with both smirking.

"It's a pleasure to meet the man who is fighting to free my little sister. It takes guts as a human to issue this kind of challenge". Sirzechs told Ohma who nodded his head.

"Lord Lucifer it's almost time". Grayfia told the devil king who looked at her and nodded.

"Alright everyone we are all gonna teleport to the place the fight will take place". Sirzechs told everyone and they all got together and vanished from the ORC.

"And so it begins Ohma Tokita, I will see you in hell". Ophis appeared inside the room right as they left. With one look around she vanished from sight.

In the underworld

Sirzechs and the group appeared inside a ball room with a ton of devils there including Riser. Ohma had to admit the place looked really nice for being in hell itself.

"This place is pretty nice Lucifer". Ohma told Sirzechs who looked to him then back to Riser.

"Yes we wanted such a important battle to be in a proper arena. I will give you the remained of the time to speak to Rias and everyone". Sirzechs said as he and Grayfia walked up to the other devils.

"Are you nervous at all"? Rias asked Ohma who shook his head.

"Of fighting Riser, I am more nervous to lose my left sock". Ohma told them and they laughed at the comment.

"So you actually showed up human, I am shocked I was expecting you to flee". Riser walked over telling Ohma who just looked at him with a plain face.

"I got a promise and mission to complete. You are standing In my way of it so I gotta destroy you". Ohma said to him with no fear or worry in his eyes.

"Well we will find out soon enough. We will see Riser is better then you in every way". Riser told Ohma as he walked away.

"That's why we all hate him". Akeno told Ohma who caught on to his stupid high pride.

"Shit the only reason I would forfeit is to save my brain from his stupid ass talking patterns". Ohma told them as he looked at the time and saw it was 12:25.

"Alright you guys go catch up to Sirzechs I am gonna head down". Ohma told them and they nodded and started to walk till Rias quickly kissed his cheek.

"Be safe, and kick his ass". She said smiling and Ohma nodded.

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