chapter 3

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Ohma was now standing outside of the school as he saw everyone making there way into the school as well. Ohma looked at his schedule from Sirzechs and saw most his classes where basic or lowkey. 

"Glad the man remembered I am here for a job, not to go to fucking school and learn". Ohma told himself as he walked threw the front gates everyone noticed him and saw he was not wearing the school uniform but had a backpack. 

"Who is that gut"?

"Is he a student? He is not wearing are school uniform"? 

"he is pretty handsome". 

"Oh great just what I girls". Ohma told himself as he walked threw the actual school and made it upstairs and saw his first class was history. "Sweet something interesting". Ohma told himself as he walked into the class and the teacher saw him and smiled. "Hi, I am the new student". Ohma told the teacher who stood up and shook his hand. 

"Yes please come in. everyone this is Ohma Tokita he will be joining are class". The teacher told the class and Ohma waved then noticed Rias in the classroom. 

"Sweet this makes my job easier". Ohma told himself as he walked to the open seat that was next to Rias. putting his bag down he looked up and saw her looking at him with a warm smile. 

"Ohma, your in my class that is crazy". Rias said and she moved so Ohma could see a girl with black hair and violet eyes and a busty frame looked at him. "This is Akeno she is my best friend". Rias told Ohma who flashed her a smile. 

"Yo, nice to meet you Akeno". Ohma said to her and she giggled. 

"Handsome and has good manners, you got yourself a good pick Rias". Akeno teased and Rias blushed at this comment. "Its a pleasure to meet you Ohma, Rias told me about you before class". Akeno said and Ohma rub his head and chuckled. 

"hopefully nothing bad, wanna give a good first impression". Ohma said and the 3 laughed. 

"Yes Ohma it was all good, don't worry". Rias told Ohma who nodded his head as class finally started. 

time skip 

The school day was finally over and Ohma was gonna start to head home but Rias Akeno caught up to him. 

"Wait up Ohma". Rias called out and he  stopped ande looked back. 

"What's up"? Ohma asked the girls who had to catch there breath. 

"We wanna show you something. We have a club and we wanna show you its layout". Rias informed the winter soldier. 

"Lead the way". Ohma said and the girls and him walked behind the school and Ohma saw a club room up ahead witch looked a little run down. "So this is where she dose her devil duties". Ohma told himself as they walked inside and it was much nicer on the inside. "I wont lie it looks nicer inside then outside". Ohma told the girls as they walked into the main room. 

"Welcome to the The Occult Research Club". Rias told Ohma as they walked in he saw a handsome young man with blond hair and a little girls with white hair and mma gloves. "Kiba, Koneko, meet Ohma Tokita he is a new student here in the school". Rias told the 2 who nodded. 

"Nice to meet you Ohma". Kiba shook his hand and Koneko just looked at him and raised her head to him. 

"This is Kuroka's little sister. That is gonna be a interesting conversation for the future. S0  what do you guys do here"? Ohma asked them and they all looked at each other. 

"We just talk about things supernatural". Rias said smiling and Ohma just nodded his head. 

"Interesting topic to talk about. Do you guys get to get out of class for you're club". Ohma asked and Rias nodded her head. "Could I join"? Ohma asked Rias as everyone looked to her with a "oh boy" face. 

"Sure why not". Rias said smiling and Ohma smirked. 

"Sweet. I get to get out of class a ton". Ohma said and every one sweat dropped at Ohma's main reason to join was to get out of school. They did not know that this was all apart of his mission. "It is getting late I should probably start heading home its getting dark. See you guys tomorrow". Ohma said as he walked out of the club room. 

"How are we gonna do are work with him Rias"? Akeno asked her king as everyone wanted to know.  

"Something tells me that he has a idea on the supernatural. He is a human but has this cold dominate aura to him. I felt it when we first met". Rias explained to them and Kiba sighed. 

"Lady Rias, we cant go off a thought with no proof". Kiba said to her and she sat down in her chair thinking. 

"We are gonna tell him about are real work tomorrow, and if he dose not know we wipe his memory". Rias told everyone who liked the idea. 

With Ohma 

"Man that was one interesting day". Ohma was laying on the couch with his head on Mio's lap as she ran her fingers threw his long black messy hair. "I got a feeling that sometime soon they are gonna revel there big "secret", but until then got to play it off". Ohma said and Mio nodded her head. 

"Yes my love, but be carful we don't know if her intention with you are pure or not". Mio told Ohma who sighed. 

"I think she is a good person, she and everyone where really nice to me. Seems this generation of devils are not as bad as the old one. Then again they lost most of there pure blooded devils. So its naturally to try to have a good image and not look weak or not controlled". Ohma told his lover who listed to him. 

"So after your mission is completed what will you do next"? Mio asked Ohma who thought for a second. 

"That depends on how this mission plays out. If I don't grow fond of them we return home. If I do then we stay and do are own thing while helping". Ohma told her as Ohma's phone started to go off Mio grabbed it and answered and gave it to Ohma. 


"Hello Winter, reaching out for a status report". 

"Everything is going well, your sister is quite a nice person. I got her to let me join her club and I think they are gonna tell me about the supernatural. I have no intel on her actions with her forced marriage. Then again its was my first day". Ohma told the devil king who chuckled. 

"I am glad that everything is going well, any supernatural encounter"? Sirzechs asked the assassin wanting to know if he has had any issues. 

"Not yet, but I am sure some dumbass stray devil or fallen will think they can kill me and I will just kill them". Ohma explained to Sirzechs. 

"Alright if you have any issues reach out and I will personally handle it". Sirzechs told Ohma who smirked. 

"trust me Sirzechs, I will handle it myself.....Winter Out". Ohma hung the phone up and Mio put it back on the stand. "Alright, that is enough for one day. Lets head to bed". Ohma told Mio as they went to there bedroom and Erza and Kuroka were already asleep. Ohma and Mio got undressed and got into the bed and fell asleep not long after". 

BAMMMMMM chapter 3 done, like and leave a comment on what you think will happen next chapter and how with the ORC handle Ohma's reaction? well as i always say until next time THUDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 

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