Part One; Chapter Six

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"Jayce are you fucking crazy?" Ruby looked at him with such shock I was surprised the entire room didn't implode.

Ruby's honey eyes burned with fury. Exuding her body with such emotion the lights crackled and buzzed. Her whole body was shaking from the complete and utter stupidity that was being spoken by both Jayce and Theodore.

"I'm just saying, if there's no other way to get to the truth then this is it. This is the way to get everything out of her." Jayce tried once again to get Ruby, Alexis, and me on board. Unfortunately Ruby and Alexis would be much harder to get on board due to the nature of the situation.

"I'm understanding where you're coming from but the way you have to do it is morally questionable."

"Bloody hell Lucas shut up! For god's sake man enough with the holier than thou speech."

Theodore spoke through daggers. His seemingly unnecessary hostility perpetrated the conversation. Ruby continued to argue her case against him and Jayce. The longer the women continued to argue the more frantic Jayce got. Alexis' eyes had found mine, speaking without moving her mouth.

Do you think we should do what I think we should do? Alexis asked half looking for permission half looking for doubt.

I'm not quite sure I know what that means. My eyebrow cocked up from the confusion.

Alexis rolled her eyes and scoffed. Thankfully the conversation was still a very hot topic of debate that nobody noticed.

Do you think we should just give Jayce the truth serum and call it a day? Should we even allow this to be a plan for tonight's events at all?

Alexis wasn't one to jump ship from a few foul moves in a plan as long as it meant she would be able to do what she wanted to do for the night. Alexis was many things but she was always loyal to her friend first, even if that said friend wasn't being friendly with her. She had Ruby for now and although Ruby can be cruel and heartless she's better than being alone. I pondered on what she had asked me long and hard before continuing with my intuition.

Yes, we should. That's better than nothing. You should-

Just like that Alexis was already one step ahead.

"Alright, on one condition. We give it to her instead of the two of you dimwits fucking it up. Do you want the truth? You'll have it." Her voice was calm and unsuspecting.

I stood still watching the boys discuss the conditions that Alexis just laid out. Ruby herself was pretty surprised she hadn't thought of it. Pride took over me as I watched Jayce shake his head in agreement. Alexis knew how to get people to do what she wanted. Hell, she got me even.

"Now the next topic of discussion is getting Madison to go anywhere with us. She's been avoiding everyone besides doing the mandatory sporadic training mistress implemented." Ruby ran her hand through her hair and sighed.

Nothing about this was going to be easy, especially since Alexis and I were potentially going to get our asses handed to us by Jayce and Theodore once they find out we'd completely reversed their whole plan for this evening. While leaving the boys to come up with yet another half-brained plan Alexis and I were sent off by Ruby to bring Madison along for the ride.

The organization felt thirty times the size it had felt before Madison came. Trying to look in every nook and cranny of the place had become tedious. The more we searched the more time we wasted getting to Madison before Jayce and Theodore. Alexis had taken the lead and went up the stairs to the attic where Jayce's art room lay. The stairs creaked going up. I kept losing hope as to where she was but to my surprise, Madison sat on Jayce's bench with his sketchbook in hand.

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