Part One; Chatper Four

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Watching Lucas never seemed to get boring. I sat up all night watching him fix and fiddle with the mechanics of new weapons and explosives. His hair a mess from all the sweat that had collected, matted to his forehead I ran my hand through it.

"You've been in here all night Lucas, we should go to bed." I whispered knowing he wouldn't leave.

  "Did you see the look on her face Alexis? It was the look that said she doesn't trust us anymore. You- your best friend doesn't trust you!" His fingers worked harder after he expressed what he was suppressing.

I took a deep breath and kissed his cheek. I knew I wasn't going to win this argument and started to collect myself to go to bed. The armory was a beautiful place to watch his mind unfold but tonight has been way too long. Pulling myself up I went to leave when Lucas grabbed my hand.

" I won't be too long, I promise. I'll come to bed you don't have to worry about me. She's your best friend." Lucas gave me a tight squeeze where he held my hand then released it.

I sighed, I knew he was right. Madison will never forgive me. The weight I had been carrying from the lack of knowledge I shared with her who knows. Right now my heart ached, I was selfish. I wanted to live in normalcy. All I've ever wanted was that. I dragged my body as I ripped myself out of thought I heard the fireplace crackle and roar engulfing the hallway in heat. A thud fell through as I ran to the commotion, on the floor laid a bloody Ruby. She looked unconscious possibly from the visible injuries. My body trembled, I dropped to my knees.

I bowed my head down and focused, tuning my thoughts to what I needed to say, there was no time she would die. ' Jayce! Please! It's Ruby, please hurry!' The lull of a steady buzz ached in my head. I tried to ignore it. Jayce flung the doors open and his eyes widened.

" What the hell happened?" His voice rising in fear. My hand flew up signaling for him to quiet down. I watched Ruby as she gargled her blood, coughing up blood clots. I searched her body frantically looking for the open wound. Ripping her shirt open my heart sank. She had a seven inch gash going up the length of her torso. I tried to apply pressure searching Jayce's face I was begging him to move.

" Jayce please! We have to move her! We have to get her to the infirmary. You have to help me!" Pleading with him I kept my pressure on Ruby. Her breathing wheezing and slowing, I was ready to wing an incantation of effectiveness and agility but my luck increased the moment Lucas smacked him in the back of the head.

" For Gods sake! What the hell happened?" Lucas and Jayce piled over picking her up. Ruby screamed in agony before passing out. "She rippled out the fireplace and just dropped to the floor. Please, Jayce has to help her!" My eyes burned with tears. I won't let myself lose another friend from my mistakes.

" please, Jayce she will only be fine if you help her. She needs you please snap out of this shock!" I followed behind. Jayce never breaking from his silence.

   The infirmary doors swung open as Jayce and Lucas brought her to a cot. Jayce still hadn't said anything as he swiftly moved around the room rummaging through antidotes and pain suppressors. My ears rang from the blood pulsating through me. I've never known fear like this except when one of us got injured.

"Oh Ruby, you could've just waited." My voice trembling.

    Jayce held his palms over her incision and muttered out " Tut Healmora Von" the relics that Jayce spoke out soaked into her skin. The ancient ruins sewed her injuries shut. I watched as he clipped a blood bag to the IV line he'd given her. Following the blood bag Jayce also administered ninety cc's of Bunger tears. The Bunger tears were taken from Warlocks. I never understood why they were called tears when it was endless vials of blood. The tears healed her bruises and aided in sewing her together. Her breathing leveling out. Instead of wheezing she was silent. Subtle movement of her chest rising and falling.

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