Sparks Fly

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She had a momentary look of shock before regaining her calm expression as she followed him. "This is perfect," she said "Thank you"

"Of course," he walked away for a moment to make a glass of water before setting it on the table in front of her. "Late night?" He asked. He was genuinely curious as to what brought her here.

"Oh you know...I just had the urge to leave the house. Take a walk. It's much quieter out here at night. It's peaceful." She said. "That and I wanted a coffee but my coffee machine broke so. Here we are," she laughed a bit.

He laughed as well at her story, a mix between that robotic customer service reaction and a genuine one. "Well then you've come to the right place. We have peace, quiet, and a mostly working coffee machine. What can I get for you?"

She ordered and he walked away to make the drink. After a couple of minutes he came back with the coffee for her. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No I think I'm okay," she said. "Thanks again,"

"Of course. I'll be around somewhere if you need me. Just shout honestly it's just us here," he smiled, a real one, and walked away to continue closing up.

He continued walking around and closing up shop, turning off the TVs and humming again with a slight bounce in his step. He eyed her from behind the bar, he had convinced himself this was a dream brought on from working too much. The fantasies from his favorite books had come to life, influenced by the news and he would soon wake up as if this had never happened. If this was real, then damn did he have a story for Abby on Wednesday.

After about twenty minutes he checked back in on her, "Everything alright over here?"

She gave him that sweet smile again, "it's perfect. Thank you. I can take the check now. I don't want to keep you out any later than I have. I'm sure you've been working a long day," she said while pulling out her wallet.

"No worries. It's my job after all and you've been good company for closing," he took the cash from her and handed her back the change. "So you have any late night plans or heading back to your home now?"

"I think I'll probably go home to my cats. I've been a bit of a homebody lately. It was nice to get out..." she said.

"I'm sure it was,"

"Any plans for you?" She asked him.

"Maybe some writing but I'll probably crash once I get home, I've been here since 7am" he laughed.

"Well then I'll let you get to your bed." She paused. "Thank you,"

"Just doing my job Miss,"

"No. Thank you for treating me like a normal person. I know you recognized me when I walked in I saw it on your face. But you let me just be a normal customer. That doesn't happen too often. Thanks for indulging me and for the coffee," she smiled.

He gave her a real smile back, "of course. I can't imagine what it's like to live your life. I could never do it. If you ever need another late night coffee I'll be in Wednesday night. Maybe I'll see you around here again,"

"You just might," she put on her coat. "Have a great night James. And hey maybe next time you can show me those writings," she laughed and walked out of the door, her exit colored by the bell ringing as she left.

"God I can't believe my life right now," he said to himself. He cleaned up the table she had been sitting at, locked up, and headed back home to sleep on the interaction he just had.

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