Not Where the Storyline Ends

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"YOU MET TAYLOR SWIFT!!?" Abby stopped in her tracks and shouted.

James leaped forward and put his hand to her mouth. "Could you be quieter oh my god?? Shhhh someone will hear you," he took his hand off of her mouth. "Yes. Yes I did,"

She hit his shoulder repeatedly. "Why. Was. That. Not. The. First. Thing. You. Said. To me. Today!" Each word emphasized by a hit.

"Ow! Hey! Stop it! And I didn't know if I should tell you. It wasn't this whole thing. She came in for coffee and then left. That was it,"

"I want you to know you're living several people's dream, including mine. THATS NOT NOTHING!"


"Sorry. God James. That's so crazy. Damn it I wish I stayed back to close now!"

He laughed as she rambled on about how she wished she was him. "Yeah I guess it was pretty cool," he smiled recalling the encounter, "she was really down to Earth. When she came in I tried not to acknowledge who she was. We had good conversation while I closed up. At the end she thanked me for letting her be nobody. It was kind of, refreshing? I think for us both," he shrugged.

"Dude. I can't believe you kept your cool. I would've melted onto the floor in front of her,"

"Yeah well you're in loooove with her, I hear about it all the time I know,"

"Oh shut up! I'm never bringing you pity coffee again,"

"No but I can't either. I had to collect myself at first but then. After that it all felt easy. Being nervous wasn't even a thought in my head honestly,"

"You think you'll see her again?" Abby asked as they arrived back at James' door.

"I kind of hope so," he unlocks his door and turns to Abby. "I have a couple of ideas I need to write down before I go do my...thing. I'll see you tomorrow. Bright and early?"

"Bright and early, good luck." Abby said with a smile and walked to the elevator as James entered his apartment.

He threw his keys down and rushed to his room where he sat down at the desk, rummaging around for his notebook. "Just need, to get this down before I forget," he finally found the notebook and scribbled something down. Something in your eyes told me this was the beginning of something greater. After a couple more lines the notebook was slammed shut as he gathered his keys, phone, and coat to run out the door. 

He didn't return until late that night, just barely managing to set an alarm before he fell asleep on the bed, on top of the covers.

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