Up on the Roof

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After about an hour the pair sat on James' couch, having exhausted the tour possibilities of the small apartment. They sat talking before James had an idea.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Um, I'm not sure..." Taylor said with skepticism.

"Oh sorry, not like somewhere-somewhere. More like. An extension of this building. I have roof access and I know no one will be there right now," he smiled.

She smiled back at him, "okay that does sound fun,"

"I was hoping you'd say that," he hopped off the couch and flashed a grin at her before going to the fridge and grabbing drinks. "It's one of my favorite spots to go when I'm bored or need to write," He gathered the drinks and some cups in a small grocery bag and turned back to her. 

They left the apartment and made their way up the staircase until they reached a door that read: Roof Access

James opened the door and revealed an almost picturesque view of the night sky and NYC skyline. "Ta da!" he said with a grin as he gestured for her to walk out.

"Woah this is, so beautiful," she said as she took in the view.  Taylor walked onto the roof and James placed the bag on the ground and stood leaning against the door, watching her with a small smile, feeling his chest flutter. 

She turned to James and laughed, "Come on! Don't just stand there like a creep!" she ran towards him, grabbing his hand and pulling him further onto the roof with her. 

A laugh escaped his mouth as he was pulled towards her, looking into her blue-grey eyes. There was a moment of comfortable silence as she looked back into his, his wrist still in her hand hanging at their sides. James felt a small, almost electric feeling in her touch as she gently gripped his wrist. In that moment he felt a new energy he hadn't sensed between them before, he didn't know if it scared him or excited him. They stood looking at each other until she took a breath and dropped his hand, breaking eye contact "So, those drinks?"

He snapped out of his trance and nodded, "Oh yeah, yeah they're right over here let me get them," he walked back to where he had dropped the bag and pulled out beer bottles and solo cups. "Figured the solo cups would really add to the 'young in New York City' aesthetic" he joked.

Taylor laughed, "I love it,"

They poured the drinks and sat down, looking at the stars. "So, how do you feel about astrology?" Taylor asked, looking at James with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Mmm, I entertain the idea, but I don't think it controls everything,"

"So then what's your sign?"

"Pisces, I think. That's what Abby told me at least,"

"Ooo, well that explains a lot. Actually, I think I have to go now. I can't associate with your kind of people," she laughed.

"Woww okay Ms. Swift. I see how it is. Let me guess, Scorpio?"


"Mmmm okay," he said, pretending to be processing this information thoroughly. "In my expert opinion, as an expert on astrology of course, is that," he paused, "Yeah no I got nothing for that, I know nothing about signs,"

They both laughed and continued drinking and talking well into the morning. By the time Taylor stood up to leave it was nearly 5am and the stars were fading from the sky. "Well, I guess I better get going before the sun goes up," she said with a smile. "I had a good time, thanks for this,"

"Of course, my rooftop is always open and I've got beer and plastic cups for days. Unless you want something fancier than that,"

"No, this is perfect," she looked at him, that energy from before creeping back as they looked at each other, neither one wanting to say goodbye. 

"Maybe one day I can return the favor and bring you around my place," she said.

"I'd like that," he smiled at her, and felt a prickly warm feeling in his cheeks. "One day hopefully,"

She looked down and then stepped closer, "I really should go," she trailed off and looked back into his eyes. 

"Yeah, you should..."

There was a pause where it felt like everything stopped. He felt as though he could see wheels turning in her head. 

"Goodnight James," she leaned closer to his face, and kissed his cheek, "or good morning I guess," she smiled. She looked down as he stood there dazed, with a small grin on his face. 

"Good morning Taylor,"

She laughed and walked to the door, she lingered with her hand on the doorknob and turned back to look at him again. He turned to meet her gaze and could have sworn he saw a hint of pink on her face. She turned back and walked down the stairs, leaving James on the roof as the sun slowly began to rise over New York City.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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