chapter 3

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Rhea POV:

Arjun leaned back in his chair, a skeptical expression etched on his face. 

"Well, so far, I'm not seeing anything that stands out. I expected more from a renowned event planner," he retorted, his tone laced with an edge of arrogance.

I could feel the weight of his words, and for a moment, doubt crept into my mind, threatening to sabotage my composure. 

However, I refused to let it consume me. Instead, I drew strength from the passion that had fueled me throughout my career.

"Mr. Dalmia, while I understand your expectations, I firmly believe that we can create a wedding experience that will leave a lasting impression on you and your guests. We have a team of dedicated professionals who excel in their respective fields, and together, we can bring your vision to life," I said, my voice infused with determination.

Arjun studied me intently, his gaze searching for any sign of weakness. But I held his gaze, unwavering in my conviction. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of recognition, perhaps, or maybe even admiration. It was a small victory, but it ignited a spark of hope within me.

After what felt like an eternity, Arjun finally spoke, his tone less dismissive and more contemplative.

 "Alright, Ms.Verma I'm willing to give you a chance, but I expect nothing short of perfection. This wedding is of utmost importance to me, and I won't settle for anything less."

As Arjun and his associates exited the conference room, leaving me with a whirlwind of emotions, I couldn't help but wonder. Was he getting married? The intensity in his eyes, the gravity of his words—it all hinted at a personal connection to the event. The curiosity gnawed at me, ready to make me mad.

The next morning, armed with a folder full of ideas and a sense of excitement, I found myself standing outside the gates of a sprawling mansion.

 My beat-up second-hand car sat humbly in the driveway, looking somewhat out of place amidst the sea of luxury vehicles. As I parked and stepped out, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness, aware of the stark contrast between my modest means and the opulence that surrounded me.

Taking a moment to gather myself, I adjusted my outfit and gathered my confidence. It was time to put my best foot forward and showcase my expertise. 

As I approached the entrance, a servant greeted me, his polished uniform a stark reminder of the world I was about to step into.

With a warm smile, the servant guided me through the grand entrance, each step echoing in the vastness of the foyer. My senses were overwhelmed by the sight of chandeliers casting a golden glow, ornate artwork adorning the walls, and the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers that permeated the air.

But amidst this grandeur, it was the sight of a woman standing near a window that truly captured my attention. She exuded elegance and grace, her presence commanding the attention of the room.

With hesitant steps, I approached the woman standing by the window, hoping my presence wouldn't disrupt her tranquility. As I came closer, she turned her gaze towards me, her eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and surprise.

"Hi there! I'm Rhea Verma, the event planner," I said, trying my best to sound confident despite the slight quiver in my voice.

She regarded me with a kind smile, extending her hand in greeting. "I'm Meera Dalmia, Arjun's mother. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rhea. Arjun has informed me about you"

Relief washed over me as I shook her hand. I hadn't expected such warmth and acceptance from the mother of a man as successful and enigmatic as Arjun. It put my earlier self-consciousness at ease, at least for the time being.

As aunty led me through the lavish halls of the mansion, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and intimidation. The opulence surrounding us seemed like a world apart from my own humble beginnings. Yet, I reminded myself that I was here because of my talent and dedication.

Entering a room filled with bustling activity, I found myself amidst a group of women, all engrossed in wedding magazines and fabric swatches. Among them was a young woman with an infectious smile and an air of excitement.

"Hi, I'm Rhea," I introduced myself, joining the circle of wedding enthusiasts.

The woman looked up, her eyes widening with recognition. "Rhea! I'm Tania, Arjun's sister. So, you're the one planning my wedding!"

"Ohh!!!! so you are the bride, " I couldn't mask my surprise as I had expected that it was Arjun's.  She nodded smiling,  a  wave of relief washed over me as I realized that it was Tania's wedding and not Arjun's.

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized that it was Tania's wedding and not Arjun's.

However, a part of me couldn't help but question my initial reaction. Why did I feel relieved that it wasn't Arjun getting married.

Was there a part of me secretly hoping for another encounter, a chance to see if there was something more between us?

But then reality smacked me back to my senses. I mean, come on, we barely knew each other. It was just one fleeting moment on that plane I shook my head. No, that was crazy.

I reminded myself that Arjun was not just a captivating stranger; he was my client. But somewhere deep down, a tiny voice whispered, urging me to explore what could have been.

I pushed those thoughts away. It was pointless to think about what could have been. I reminded myself that life wasn't a fairy tale and I needed to focus on the task at hand.

"It's so nice to meet you, Tania. I'm sure you're excited about the wedding."

"I'm so excited to have you on board," Tania smiled warmly.

"I've been looking at wedding magazines for months, and I've got a ton of ideas, but I need someone to help me bring them to life." She was literally glowing as a soon bride to be are suppose to be.

"I'm your girl," I said. "I'm a total wedding nerd, so I'm already brainstorming ideas. I can't wait to see what we can come up with."

Tania and I talked for a while about her vision for the wedding. She wanted something that was elegant and sophisticated, but also fun and festive. She wanted it to be a day that she and her guests would never forget.

I was really inspired by Tania's enthusiasm, and I couldn't wait to get started. I knew that we were going to create something truly special.

We continued to talk about the details of the wedding, and I could tell that Tania was really excited. She had a clear vision of what she wanted, and she was confident that I could help her make it happen.

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