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A group of foreigner guest entered the venue. They were dressed in suits, and some of them appeared to be armed, which immediately caught the attention of the guests.

Murmurs spread through the crowd, with some speculating that they were from the mafia.

Arjun, who had been watching from a distance, tensed visibly at the sight of the armed guests. His jaw clenched, and I could see the anger simmering beneath the surface.

As they made their way through the crowd, an old man who seems the boss in a white suit accidentally bumped into me. He apologised in broken Hindi, his voice deep and commanding. It was clear that he was a powerful and dominating figure.

"I'm sorry, are you a friend of the bride or groom?" he asked, his gaze piercing.

Before I could respond, Arjun appeared by my side, his expression icy. The tension between them was palpable, and I could sense the male testosterone in the air.

Arjun and the old man exchanged a few words in Spanish which I don't understand much apart from a few words, their conversation raw and cold.

Arjun: "¿Qué haces aquí? Esto no estaba acordado entre nosotros. No me someteré a tu voluntad."
(Translation: "What are you doing here? This was not agreed upon between us. I will not bend to your will.")

Old Man Smirks : Hijo, entiende que esto es lo mejor para todos. Tienes que hacer lo que se espera de ti."
(Translation: "Son, understand that this is the best for everyone. You have to do what is expected of you.")

Arjun's tone was rude and cold as he spoke to the old man, his voice laced with contempt.

However, there was something undeniably hot about Arjun speaking in another language, his voice dripping with disdain. I mean, who knew bilingualism could be so sexy?

It was clear that there was some history between them, something that ran deep and had left a bitter taste.

The old man's face remained unreadable, but there was a flicker of unsaid emotions in his eyes.

But before my thoughts could wander any further, Arjun turned to me, his eyes cold. "Rhea, go. This is not something you should be involved in."

I blinked, taken aback by his sudden dismissal. "But Arjun, I-"

He cut me off with a stern look. "No buts. Go."

I sighed, knowing there was no arguing with him

After a tense standoff, the man left abruptly after blessing Tania and Viraj. The guests watched in silence as they departed, the tension in the air slowly dissipating.

Arjun's POV:

As Alejandro left, the tension in the air began to dissipate, but the weight of the encounter lingered heavily on my mind.

The arrogant demeanor of the old man, his manipulative words-everything about him grated on my nerves.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, knowing that he still held so much of power over me, despite my attempts to break free from his influence.

Then, as if on cue, Sumit entered the scene, accompanied by a man whom Tania had not met in years. It was Rahul Dalmia, Tania's father, who had been locked away by Alejandro.

My heart skipped a beat as memories of my childhood with Papa flooded back, memories of laughter and happiness that felt like a lifetime ago.

Rahul Dalmia was more than just Tania's father; he was my stepfather, the man who had stepped into our lives and brought joy and stability during a tumultuous time.

Seeing him again after all these years brought a mixture of emotions-joy, nostalgia, and a twinge of sadness for the lost years.

As papa approached, my mother's eyes filled with tears, and she ran to him, enveloping him in a tight hug.

Tania, confused by the sudden turn of events, looked on with wide eyes, unsure of what was happening.

I stepped forward, my voice steady as I addressed Tania. "He fulfilled his promise to you, Tania," I said, my gaze meeting hers. "He's your father."

Understanding dawned on Tania's face, and tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the truth.

Without hesitation, she rushed into papa's arms, embracing him tightly as she sobbed tears of relief and joy

It was a poignant moment, witnessing the reunion of a daughter and her long-lost father, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of emotion deep within me.

As Tania looked at me through tear-filled eyes, I could see the gratitude and love shining in her gaze.

And as she cried tears of joy, I knew that the price I had paid was worth it, for the sake of my family.

"This is your wedding gift, Tania," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.
And as the realisation sank in, her tears of gratitude mingled with mine, binding us together in a moment of profound understanding and love


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