Chapter -18

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I have dedicated Ishq Risk  song to this chapter and next upcoming chapters 😍😘


And he drops his hand, his eyes filled with malicious glee.

"Ah, there it is again. That look of desperation. You know, Arjun, it's almost poetic. The way history repeats itself."

Arjun let out a bitter laugh, a sharp sound that cut through the tension. "You're mistaken, Alejandro. She's just an employee, a nobody "

The words stung, hitting me harder than I expected.

Hurt flickered briefly in my chest, but then it was like this when it is Arjun, beside his words are not false.

Arjun's world was a fortress, impenetrable to sentiments like hers. She was just a bystander in a world where she never held a significant role

I straightened my spine, steeling myself against the hurt. It didn't matter.

What mattered was getting out of this mess in one piece.

My thoughts were interrupted by a stray gust of wind, sending a shiver down my spine that had nothing to do with the temperature.

Alejandro's smirk turned into a cold smile as he glanced at me, assessing.

"Is that so, Arjun? Let's put that to the test, shall we?"

Before anyone could react, Alejandro raised his gun and pointed it directly at me.

My heart leaped into my throat as fear surged through every nerve in my body.

Arjun's jaw clenched, his eyes blazing with fury, his voice low and commanding.

"Let her go, Alejandro. This is between us."

Alejandro's eyes narrowed, his grip on the gun tightening.

"She's part of this now, Arjun. You brought her into it."

As Alejandro's cold smile fixated on me, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

The gun pointed at me was a stark reminder of the danger I found myself in, all because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This can't be happening, I thought, panic gripping my chest like a vice. I never signed up for this.

Why did I stop? Why did I get involved?

"Then kill her. Just make it quick so we can proceed next,"

Arjun's voice dripped with filthy boredom, and his lazy smirk pierced through me like a dagger.

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. The betrayal stung more than any physical pain could.

I wanted to run, to escape this nightmare, especially that bastard Arjun but my legs felt like lead.

His voice kept echoing like a sinister melody in the night in my head on repeat mode.

I felt stabbed even though the weapon held against my head was a gun.

My heart aches, my gut feels like it has been opened and deranged and stitched back but with poison instead of organs.

I feel sick. My body is trembling and shaking like a dried leaf ready to be crumble under the feets of these people.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I stood frozen, staring down the barrel of Alejandro's gun.

The world narrowed to that single, terrifying moment.

I found myself pleading desperately, my voice wavering.

"Please, don't... I-I'm nobody. Just an employee. I don't even know what's happening here. I won't tell anyone, just let me go."

Sumit's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing at Alejandro.

"She's innocent in all of this," he growled, his voice low but firm.

Sumit shot me a look like I have already crossed the door of death, but he didn't have time to react further as Alejandro made a sudden move.

Chaos erupted and the air filled with the deafening sound of gunfire.

I instinctively ducked, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

Alejandro managed to slip through the fray, grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

My heart raced as I stumbled alongside him, my mind still struggling to process everything.

Alejandro's grip was ironclad as he pulled me towards an array of private planes at the far end of the runway.

Panic surged through me as the realisation of my predicament hit home.

This wasn't just a dangerous situation-it was a down right deadly one.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, but my voice was drowned out by the cacophony of gunfire and shouts.

" We will meet again", Confusion clouded my mind as I hesitated, unsure of what to do next as Alejandro released my arm and stepped back.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this," he said quietly.

"But I'm happy that my Arjun has found you."

With that cryptic statement, Alejandro turned and swiftly disappeared into the night, leaving me standing besides a massive airplane.


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