The Wishful Thinker

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  • Dedicated to Muhd Fikri

The Wishful Thinker

I knew her like I knew Alice
She was always dreaming
Someone who was careless
Always wondering and wandering

She let her mind run
Run as free as the wind
Warmth of the sun
Incomparable to her joy

To say she fell down a rabbit hole
Was like saying she had an adventure
Aye she fell but to the feet of fantasy
Nay she did not rise again for sure

While others ploughed and perspired
And bore the fruit of their labour
She danced, laughed and imagined
But only saw the end of a journey

A day I saw her on her knees
Praying, wishing and thinking
A happy ending just for me
I shook her awake, saying

"Death comes for your goal
Awaken and live and create
And not only wish with all your soul
Come alive again, come alive again."

She looked at me, wistful glance
And the wishful thinker stopped and stand
Taking my hand, she faded away
Like Alice her dream-adventure had end

Reborn now, she knew her desire
She became I, a girl of reality
And I left her in that place of dire
I lead myself away from who I was

No longer a wishful thinker
A searcher for a cure
Now a realiser for true and real
A seeker of a better future.


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