Alright look this episode is not better than the other but let's just deal with it
but first I want to say the fight scene absolutely BEAUTIFUL
Well first we start with Lila dressing up as another secret identity but I have to say is Lila secretly a super spy or sum cause how the hell did she set this up oh well anyways while doing her spy shenanigans she watching an episode of Alec's new show and if you don't know who alec is then ARE YOU LIVING UNDER A ROCK whatever so his new show is called live your childhood dreams
and the childhood dream of the current contestant is to meet everybody on earth and I mean everybody so now I can safely say that is RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDICULOUS but anyways seriously how could they make this shit a reality there are 8 billion people on earth and the women is already 46 and in a wheelchair no chance she is going to meet everybody before dying hate to break to ya lady but I'm just speaking facts
ba like let's not get sidetracked This scene was here to remind us that people r still under the influence of the rings
anyways we cut back to the main storyline and the epic fight scene
it's nice to see that we got something cool out of this horrid storyline ya know what I'm saying
but I got to say I highly enjoyed Gabe screaming at marinette telling her that she has the most absurd good luck that I would call plot armour, Gabe defends his point by mentioning all the times he got so close to getting their miraculous only to be defeated by ladybug and the most absurd objects in history and also their were the most amazing scenes ever for one the scene were marinette/ladybug dropping a fucking grand piano on gabes head not to mention gabes position when she dropped the piano on him, my god,
gabe.exe has crashed
Gabe.exe has become a ballerina
-break time- this break is brought to you by DONT EVER EVER PAUSE A MIRACULOUS EPISODE