Part 12: Ohhhh!

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Author's Note: dysphoria from someone and having a crush on someone can get mixed up a lot.


I'm not saying that SMG3 is a pain to be around.

If anything, he's so, so sweet, when he wants to be, and is actually a really funny guy.

He's also really smart, and I love his streams, and I love all the little things he does...

I even save up for his birthday to get him a gift! Which, is a surprise, because I can never remember birthdays. Actually, it's really easy to remember the little things about him.

You know what I said about liking him...? Yeah, well, I think that was a really dumb thing to say, and that "moment of realisation" was stupid...

It's all stupid! I might be describing him as the love of my life right now, but he's really not! He's just really nice, and I look up to him...

Sometimes, I want to look like him.

A lot of people may judge me there, but I actually love how he looks, and I sit there, looking at my reflection, wondering why I'm not like that.

It's like this weird kind of dysphoria from him. I don't really know why, I'm comfortable in my masculinity as I am!

Anyway, besides that, why did I have to keep him? Why couldn't he stay with anyone else, why couldn't he live with Mario or something?

I can't figure out why it's me. I feel so stupid lately, it took me so long to get that SMG3 "liked" me.

I still need to have a discussion with him about that, but he's been locked in his room, staring at the ceiling.

I'm trying to find Mario as we speak, and ask him what he did.

I don't wanna scare the poor guy, but I'm so pissed off, I could scream.

Meggy walked by me.

I figured she know.

"Meggy, what was the REAL reason Mario made SMG3 move in with me? I know how awful his excuse was, you can't literally kick someone out of a street!"

I demanded, knowing she knew something was going on.

Meggy's face dropped for a moment, and she looked at me dead in the eyes, then looked away, thinking of what to say.

"W-what do you mean? There's nothing going on...!"

Judging from her expression, and first reaction, something was going on. And I never even said something was going on, I just asked a question!

"Meggy, I know you know. I am so mad at Mario I want to punch him in the face. Please, let me know."

She sighed, and said she didn't know wether to tell me or not.

Well, she better!

Meggy's POV:

I felt threatened at that moment, to get accused by Mario of knowing something.

Of course, he was right, I DID know something, I just didn't know wether it'd be worth telling him and upsetting Mario.

Yet again, I'm left with two options: I let Mario down and tell SMG4, or I just run away and ask Mario.

"Excuse me for two seconds, can I just...?" I said nervously, and turned around to go on my phone and text Mario.

It seems I'd picked a mysterious third option!


But Mario was offline, and I didn't know what to do or what to tell SMG4.

"Too late.... :c" I texted Mario, and then took a deep breath.

"The real reason that Mario wanted you to live... with... SMG3..."

I slowed my words down in fear, hoping he wouldn't take anything out on me or Mario.

"Uhh... please don't kill me or Mario for this... he wanted you two to live together because he shipped you two and wanted you two to be together!!"

I flinched after I said my sentence; I even sped up what I said in the end in hopes he didn't hear me.

Instead of punching me, or shouting at me, he stood there with an 1000 yard-stare. He wasn't looking at me, more just through me.

"Wait... you guys ship us?"

"Mhmm... that's why Mario went on his rant after he realised SMG3 liked you..."

He stood there even MORE dumbfounded than before, looking so confused.

"I... I think it worked."

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