Chapter Eight

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The sounds of Niall's snoring stopped and were replaced by the noise of footsteps, the bathroom door opening and Niall vomiting into the toilet. Annie forced herself out of her slumber and made her way over to Niall to comfort him.

"Go away, Annie," he said, "You don't need to see this shit."

"Shut up," she said and sat on the edge of the tub to rub his back as he threw up the contents of his stomach once again. Niall groaned in agony and rested his forehead on his arm that sat on the rim of the toilet. Annie looked at him with sad eyes, sympathy was not something Annie dabbled with often but she couldn't help but feel bad for Niall. She picked up his other hand off of the floor and held it in hers, rubbing it soothingly as he threw up once again.

"I think that's all I have in me," Niall moaned finally and he got up to go back to bed.

"That was a lie," he hurriedly rushed out before dropping to his knees and throwing up one last time.

"Are we good here or should I go get a pillow for me?" Annie teased.

"You're an asshole you know that?" Niall laughed as he rinsed his mouth out with water.

"I've been told that once or twice," Annie smiled and lead him back into the bed. Niall was pale white and exhausted after ridding all of that poison from his body. Annie knew she wasn't drunk any longer, having slept it off and not consuming nearly the same amount of liquor Niall had. She smoothed down his blonde locks and shushed him to sleep. Once his breathing slowed and was replaced by his snoring she settled back down and drifted off again.


A pounding on the door rang in Annie's ears and made it feel as if her head was splitting open. She groaned and rolled over, wishing it would stop. It was so loud; she thought somebody was trying to bang down her door. She felt the weight in the bed shift and Niall went to answer the door.

"What is it man?" Annie heard Niall's raspy voice ask, "What's with the pounding?"

"I wasn't pounding, you're hung over," Liam informed. He looked around Niall and saw Annie's groaning form in the bed and added, "And I'm guessing Annie is as well."

Annie replied with a grunt and Liam was assured of his previous statement.

"So I'm guessing were not going for a run this morning?" he laughed and Annie groaned again, the thought of moving made her want to die.

"How the hell are you not hung over, man?" Niall asked Liam who looked and sounded perfectly fine, fine enough to go for a run.

"I just had the one shot," he informed him.

"Well fucking good for you," Niall said and closed the door on Liam who was laughing at their pathetic state. Niall fell back in the bed and went back to sleep.


Annie's head pounded and her whole body ached. The light that shown through the crack in the curtain was enough to make her eyes hurt and she winced in pain. Rolling out of the bed with a groan, she found her way to the window and yanked the curtains closed with a vengeance, as if they had done a personal disservice to her by letting in that smidgen of light. She rubbed her temples in an attempt to alleviate the pain and stumbled back towards the bed. A chuckle came from Niall as he watched her struggle.

"Is the room spinning or is it just me?" Annie asked through squinted eyes.

"Welcome to the hangover," Niall croaked and opened his arms for Annie to fall into.

"I feel like shit," she muttered into his chest.

"Well you look adorable," Niall laughed.

"Shut up," Annie groaned, "I want to die." She felt Niall's chest vibrate from his quiet laughter at his comment and nuzzled in closer.

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