Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Annie, Annie, wake up, it's time to leave," Niall's voice rang in her ear softly. There were worse way to have been woken up than by the sound of angles but, nonetheless, Annie shot up out of bed, a knee jerk reaction, and smacked her head right into Niall's.

"Graceful as always," Annie grumbled and rubbed her now throbbing forehead, "Sorry."

"No, that's just what I was hoping would happen," Niall joked and rubbed his head as well before placing a quick kiss where Annie's head had impacted with his.

Annie quickly showered and packed a bag for camping, remembering to include the bikini Niall seemed to love so much from the boat ride. She, like everyone else, was so excited to get out of the hotel. She could get her mind off of all of her problems and spend a crazy amount of time with her favorite person in the world.

"Hurry up, Annie, they are waiting for us," Niall urged her, "Harry is climbing the walls."

"Like they will leave without us," Annie smiled as she pulled her usual black tank top over her chest and flipped her wet hair over her shoulder.

They rushed down to the lobby to the meet the rest of the boys plus their girlfriends and Natasha. Grandpa was there waiting to say goodbye and he looked at her with warning eyes. "Don't do anything I wouldn't," he joked and Annie was positive, even now at Grandpa's age, he would do a lot more to get in trouble than Annie would ever think about. She just rolled her eyes at him with a smile and he took her up in his arms to say goodbye. Niall assured Grandpa that he wouldn't let anything happen to her while they were away in the woods for three days and with that, they left the hotel.

"Nice hair Annie," Louis commented on her still soaking wet hair that was leaving water marks all over her jacket and flicked a strand playfully.

"Looks like someone overslept," Zayn laughed as he walked by them, still half asleep himself.

"Good, she needs her sleep to get back into fighting shape," Natasha commented.

"You're not training anymore?" Harry asked at the news.

"Long story but I will be soon," Annie brushed off his question and walked to the waiting hotel car, "Whose driving?"

Normally Annie would have volunteered to drive, knowing if she was driving that they would get there the quickest but she would much rather be in the arms of Niall in the back seat opposed to making the three hour drive out to the woods.

"I'll drive, since I'm the only one who knows where it is," Natasha laughed and grabbed the car keys out of the car attendant's hand. It was a different car waiting for them in the cobblestone driveway from the one she and Niall had borrowed the night before so Gail must not have brought it back yet, it wouldn't have fit all of them anyways.

They climbed into the van, Niall and Annie snagged the backseat right before Louis, causing a mountain of complaints from his end. Annie and Niall simultaneously stuck their tongues out at him and he shot them a quick curse before settling down next to Eleanor in the seat in front of them.

Niall snuggled up against Annie and squished her against the window. It was warm from sitting in the sun and the heat felt nice even through the jacket she wore. Annie laughed at him and how cute he was being before pushing him off, only for him to return back to the position. Annie rolled her eyes and tried to hide her growing smile as Niall grinned up at her.

They were on the road for about ten minutes, Zayn and Harry were fighting over which station to listen to while Liam and Danielle were cuddling quietly and talking in the second row and in the row behind them was Louis with Eleanor's head in his lap making kissy faces at each other. Is that what Niall and Annie looked like? If it was, she was really embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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