Chapter 15

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Nm stood at a bar fiddling with a half empty bottle of booze in his hands, he could hear footsteps behind him "Hello there?" A voice said making Nm turn to become face to face with Glitch "Hello? Have we met before?" Nm asks as Glitch shook his head "Not sure but may I join you?" Glitch asks as Nm nods. Glitch could tell Nm had drank quite a bit "So why are you drinking all alone?" Glitch asks as Nm shook his head

"My friends think I have an addiction so I jus' go here on my own..." Nm mumbles as Glitch placed a hand on his back "True or not it looks like you've had enough booze for one day" Glitch said taking the bottle from Nm's hands "I'll take you home okay?" Glitch said as Nm nodded and leaned towards Glitch "Sure- I d-don't mind a pretty boy *Hic* taking me home" Nm said making Glitch blush slightly 'He's probably had enough to kill a horse if he's calling me pretty' Glitch thought before helping Nm up.

"C'mon let's get you home before you do something stupid-" Glitch grunted as Nm was real heavy for Glitch, he walked Nm out of the pub and was planning to just teleport them since there was no way Nm was remembering shit. He felt a hand grab the back of his neck causing him to inhale deeply, Glitch looked behind him as Nm did as well "Oh great the red fish" Nm hiccups before laughing as Glitch frowned "Let me go Exe." Glitch growled as Exe smiled.

"Why are you helping one of Gold's friends? Aren't you meant to be hiding?" Exe asks as Glitch rolled his eyes "Oh kiss my ass!" Glitch snapped and pushed Exe away so Glitch could poof himself and Nm right outside of the apartment, Nm gave Glitch the key to open it. Glitch opened the door and got Nm in, helping Nm to lay down on the couch as his appearance was faltering. He closed the apartment door and locked it, he figured he'd stay a bit knowing Spring wouldn't return.

Glitch looked down at Nm as he looked up at him "Y-your like Spring cuz' your going dark purple too" Nm said sitting up and grabbing Glitch's wrist, Glitch looked down at him "Ye-a-a Sorry about this I can't stop the change due to the magic guards" Glitch wasn't sure why he was telling Nm so much, maybe he still liked Nm? Unlikely but possible. He patted Nm's head surprised when Nm pressed his head into Glitch's hand happy to have his full attention.

Glitch smiled slightly watching as Nm slowly went limp after a few moments of silence Glitch floated off before returning with a blanket from Nm's room. Covering the black bear as he would start to snore loudly, Glitch laughed softly "Maybe I should be taking care of you since Gold is more sorted out.." Glitch gave Nm a final ear scratch before leaving through the vents turning to goop and slithering past the magic guard.

Gold sat by Spring's bed, leaning over the rail he was giving the bunny loving ear rubs "Goldiee.." Spring mumbles trying to pull the large bear onto the bed, Gold just laughed softly before getting up onto the bed "Dove I shouldn't be up here" Gold said as Spring rapped his arms around him. "Mm.." was the only reply Gold got, Gold would just smile as he snuggled Spring in return "Are you going to tell me how you got shot?" Gold asks as Spring huffed "Are you going to shut up and not ruin the moment?" Spring said in a defensive tone.

Gold raised his hands "Alright what the fuck ever." Gold growled lightly moved to lay on his back so he didn't have to face Spring. After a bit of being angry Gold felt Spring try nuzzle him, he wasn't going to accept this Gold wanted answers. Isn't trust the main thing of a relationship. He lightly refused by moving his head away, Spring whined loudly as Gold growled softly in response. Spring fell silent and rested his head on Gold's shoulder, the bunny wanted to cry to make Gold forgive him but that didn't sit right with Spring.

Spring did try again to nuzzle Gold before Gold pushed his chest away carefully "Spring. I'm mad at you and I wi be until you tell me what happened." Gold grumbled making it clear as Spring lowered his ears and scooted away from Gold curling up on the other half of the bed. He heard Gold get up making Spring whine, Gold growled "Don't complain, I stayed here all afteroon, all night and a whole other day to make sure your okay. I'm going home to shower and eat something. Call me when your ready to tell me what's wrong" Gold said fixing his clothes before making his way out of the room.

Spring teared up as Gold left, holding his ears over head and starting to cry. He was scared to tell Gold how he got shot he knew Gold would freak out, laying there in pain as he tried to choke down his sobs only to burst out into more shameful tears. He knew this was all his fault but he didn't want to push Gold away, he just needed time to get ready before he told Gold. Spring rubbed his eyes and sniffled heavily, Spring felt a hand on his shoulder looking up he squeaked. His breathing stopped as he looked up in fear

"Looks like I've come at the best time"


((Chapter dun ehe))

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