II 🌷 Ransacking Aunty Em's

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chapter II

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chapter II

🧸 Annabeth Chase had seen a lot of strange things in her lifetime. She'd spent too much time to count on the streets, being ruthlessly hunted down. Because she was a daughter of Athena, spiders followed her everywhere and she seemed to have a knack for finding them. She was used to volunteering at the infirmary during the winters when most of the healers and Apollo kids were in school or spending time with their families. Annabeth had seen her best friend turn into a tree, and her other best friend carry her away from her very best friend who was sacrificing her life for the rest of them.

So, yeah. Annabeth assumed she had a pretty good resume for seeing the most strange things in the group. She'd even seen Grover without his trousers off (and that was weird).

And she knew she was headstrong and stubborn. All Athena kids were. But even with these qualities, Annabeth could ashamedly admit that what was about to happen topped the rest of her experiences by a mile.

And no, it had nothing to do with the lady with the head of snakes, thank you very much. She was used to monsters from her books and studying and training. She could handle that.

What she couldn't handle is watching thick, evergreen vines trailing over one of the statues besides them going absolutely crazy after Percy had chopped off Medusa's head. Annabeth almost assumed the vines were mirroring the snakes of her locks, curling, twisting, writhing over the stone statue as though they were trying to cover it.

"Percy," Annabeth murmured. "step away from that statue."

He turned from grinning at the beheaded monster to look at the statue, his face dropping. Percy (who had already wrapped the Medusa head with Grover's old jumper) stepped away to fall into line with Annabeth, his other hand finding Riptide again.

"What is it? Some sort of - plant fake monster thing?" he said, a false sense of bravery masking his fear.

Annabeth shook her head wordlessly - for the first time, she seemed clueless. She was drowsy and tired, the food and aura of Medusa's lair having more of an effect on her than the others through the monster's history with her mother. Her reaction time was slowed and her mouth felt slack.

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