Chapter Nine

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Six years ago:

"You see that?" Bridgette asked, a soft smile played on her baby pink lips. Her dark blue eyes focused on the little girl with purple ribbons in her hair. The little girl had a grin that looked as if it would never disappear from her beautiful face. She held the small puppy close to her chest while holding a man's hand. He also had a happy smile on his face, watching the girl. "She reminds me of you."

Before or after my eleventh birthday? What version did she remind her of?

She slipped her camera out of her bag as we sat on the bench in the town square, a bit away from the pet store the girl had just come from.

Her long, manicured nails grasped the camera, holding it up before she snapped a photo of her.

A small smile spread across my face as I watched the sun beamed down on her golden skin and honey blonde curls. Bridge was beautiful, she always reminded me of the models I used to see on the covers of expensive magazines. She was like a beautiful model, one no one knew about, but her passion wasn't beauty nor fashion. Her passion was photography. My passion, thanks to her of course.

After a moment she placed the camera in my small hands. "Go ahead."

I froze, staring down at the camera in my tiny hands. My breath held as if I was terrified it would break if I let out a breath. What If I broke it? I wouldn't know how to replace it, or how to pay for a new one.

"I-I don't want to break it, Bridge." I held it out to her, watching her.

"You aren't going to break it," the corner of her lips turned up into a smile.

"But I could." I argued. The thought absolutely terrified me, it made me shake as the image of the camera dropping from my small hands, onto the floor and shattering into multiple pieces. She would hate me then, It would finalise her hate for me.

"I'll buy a new one, take the picture, Ly." Her voice was calm and smooth like honey. Her voice always set me at ease.

"Are you sure?" I looked back at the camera, wanting to take pictures. Wanting to be proud of something I had done.

Her nod made me sure it was okay. I wouldn't break it, I wouldn't break her camera. I wouldn't do it, I told myself.  

I brought the camera up, pointing it at the happy girl and her dog. Zooming in on the excited puppy, my finger hovered over the button. When it was still for a moment, I clicked the button excitedly. The click filled my ears as I let the small smile spread across my lips, no longer hiding it.

"See?!" She said and showed me the picture.
It was clear, the light haired dog sitting in their new owners arms, looking up at her with what looked to be a smile. You know when it looks like they're  smiling and it just warms your heart? That's exactly what the puppy looked like in my photo.

"It's amazing, Ly! Holy shit." She looked at the photo on the camera with a wide grin.

"Can I help develop it?" Bridgette had a studio and dark room in her basement, where I'd regularly help her develop her photos.

"You never have to ask." Her words spread warmth through my body, she was my safe place. My favourite person, the only person I knew, would never hurt me nor leave me.
Bridgette was the kind of person who deserved all the good things in life. She was the only person I knew that was never negative, she always had a positive outlook.

When we were in her dark room, alone and developing our photos, the world stopped. It felt like it was only us, we were the only ones alive. All my problems came to halt, they didn't exist and the person I was when I wasn't with her wasn't real. At this moment, I was a normal eleven year old.

"Look at that!" She pushed me towards my photo that was hanging up and slowly became visible.

It was nice. The puppy looked so happy. So free and ready to be loved. The excitement screaming from their soft eyes, even through the photo.

"I made two," Bridgette told me. "I wanted a copy."

She wanted a copy? Had it been good enough that she wanted her very own copy? That made my stomach jump and fill with butterflies. She actually liked it? Something I had taken and made.

My first picture.

Looking at the puppy so happy made me want to capture more happy and beautiful things that made me feel more than sadness.

"Actually I made three, one for your parents."

My heart jumped, because maybe just maybe they'd like it. It would be something they could be proud of, the way they were always so proud of Lilian. Maybe it would convince my dad to let me go to school here, I wouldn't have to attend school outside Mount View.

"Thank you," I told her, grinning.

"I have something for you." She whispered. "I'll be back."

I smiled to myself, looking at my picture. I wanted to take pictures of everything. Of the brown bird that sat outside on the branch near my window every morning. I wanted to take pictures with Bridgette and help her develop them.

I always had an interest in photography considering it was Bridgette's hobby. One I was glad she involved me in.

The door opened and she slipped through it, holding something behind her back. I looked over at her and tried to sneak behind her to see what she was hiding.

"Before you say anything about this, I have plenty and I want you to have this, Ly." She moved her arms and revealed a camera.

I shook my head and stepped away from her. It was too much, she couldn't just give it to me. What if something happened to it?

"Lyra," she gently grabbed my hand and put the camera in it. "I want you to have this. And we aren't discussing this any longer. It's yours." She stuck her tongue out at me playfully.

I smiled, I had my own camera. My very own. "Thank you."

"I love you," She tapped my nose with her finger. "I expect to see some of your work though."

My work wouldn't even be in comparison to hers, it would look like a toddler got ahold of a camera while their parents weren't looking.

By Chance | Book One | (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now