Chapter Eighteen

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"Why didn't you call us last night? You should have called us instead!" My head shot up and my eyes narrowed towards Lyra's front door. She was trying to leave, and she looked rather annoyed while a woman, who I assume to be her sister, followed her.

"Because! I have to go to school." She answered, making her way towards the car.

"Lyra! You don't get to act this way just because you pulled a suicide stunt."

My jaw nearly dropped as Lyra's face grew red, she dropped her head and got into the car. Embarrassment covered her face, she sunk into her seat.

"Did you want me to stop for coffee? Your cars at school. All repaired."

"Thank you. How much was it?"

"Don't worry about it. He owed me a favour."

"Thank you, River." A small smile spread across her lips.

"Yeah yeah, Williams. Am I stopping for coffee or not?"

She nodded and I stopped at Miles Coffee.

We both got out of the car and walked into the shop. The young daughter of the owners greeted us and took our orders.

"Do you and your sister always fight like that?" I asked quietly.

Lyra didn't say anything for a moment. "It was my fault. Look, let's not do the small talk, River. I appreciate this and everything, but it's honestly none of your business."

"I was only trying to be nice. I'm sure having you as a sister is rather hard."

She dug in her bag and threw a ten dollar bill onto the counter before leaving the coffee shop without her coffee.

I quickly threw a few bills done for the coffee and grabbed them as soon as Amelia set them down. I got in the car and followed Lyra down the street. "Get in the fucking car, Williams. I'm only telling you once." I said out the window. "You know I have no problem picking you up and throwing you into the car."

I stopped the car just as she froze. She let out a soft sigh and got back into the car, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Drink your coffee."

"You're incredibly bossy this morning."

"Well seeing you this early is a lot."


I drove into the school parking lot and parked beside Lyra's car, which we brought here earlier.

"Thank you. For everything." She mumbled and got into her car before I could respond.

I watched her carefully and saw her run her hand through her hair and put on her seatbelt.

Maybe today I went too far with the comments and small jabs. Especially after what I heard with her sister this morning. I wondered if It was always like that.

I felt the slightest bit bad, especially because Emily put me in god damn mood before I got to Lyra's. Calling to bitch me out for not answering my phone last night.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.


"Are you coming for the ski trip after exams?" Teddy asked as he threw the basketball over to me.

I caught the ball, and dribbled it down the court. "You know I can't, Teddy."

I threw it up and it hit the backboard, rolling around the rim before falling into the net.

"I know you want to be here for your parents, but you should be with us. How many times have we invited your family too?"

"Teddy." I breathed as I grabbed my water bottle. "I cant, Man. I just can't be away that day,"

"Your parents are healing. So is Ryder. You need to try to heal too."

I stared back at him and was almost at a lose for words. "Out of everyone, I thought you'd be more understanding."

"I am understanding, River. I've spent that day with you for the past few years now, I know what that day does to you, I understand. This is the last Christmas we're home and my parents want to go on the trip right after exams are through."

"I can't go, Teddy."

"Consider it. Please." He held the ball to his chest as he stared back at me. "My moms already invited yours."

Teddy meant well, he always did. We've been best friends for as long as I could remember.

"Okay." I nodded, but I wasn't going to change my mind.

More than anything, I'd love to hang out with my best friends and enjoy the Christmas holiday. But that was hardly an option, no matter how hard I tried. No matter how hard I try, that day will always be too hard to forget or move past.

"If you stay, you better not find comfort in Emily." He pushed the ball towards me roughly. "I mean it."

"I'm not going to seek comfort from my crazy ex, Theodore." I muttered before taking my shot. "It's not like we aren't going away the day after."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "About that, don't get mad."

"You invited her, didn't you?"

"Her parents are dead. She doesn't get along with her sister. She doesn't deserve to spend the entire Christmas break alone."

"If Lyra didn't try to do what she did, maybe her parents would be alive." As the words left my mouth, I instantly felt regret.

"You of all fucking people"

"You're going to defend her over me?"

"Over this? Yes." He grabbed his shirt, water bottle and keys.

"Teddy, come on." I followed him as he walked across the basketball court, to the pathway leading to the gate. "I didn't mean it."

"Like you haven't meant all the other things you've said about her? Or when you helped Emily put a dead mouse in her locker? Or-"

"I didn't know her and Kol were putting it in her locker."

He continued to walk to his car as I followed close behind,

"Teddy! Come on, Man!"

"Nah, I'm tired of this. Whatever is going on with you has made you into this person I don't like. Either tell me what's going on and or fix it yourself. The person you're becoming is closer and closer to how Emily is. I don't want to say this, but she wouldn't like the person you're becoming." Before I had a chance to even respond, he got in his car driving down the driveway.

And his words stung as if he poured peer alcohol on a fresh open wound a hundred times over and over again. Once you thought the stinging was finally finished, it only came back more intensely.

His words may have hurt, but nothing was worse knowing he was absolutely right.

By Chance | Book One | (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now