Chapter Twenty One

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Sasha fingers carefully untangled the braids she had done last night. The braids had made my hair look quite wavy over night. She grabbed a few pieces and pinned it back, leaving two strands in the front. "Cute!!! Your makeup is so good!"

"Mine? Yours is amazing." Sasha had a dark red glitter liner to match her dark red, lace top.
Sasha grabbed my face gently and smiled.

"Ughhh, my best friend is so beautiful." She let go of my face and grabbed my lip liner, touching my lips.

"How many drinks have you had?" I teased her.

"Not enough. River's making us drinks and bringing them up."

"A sealed drink? I don't think I trust him to not poison me."

"He isn't going to poison your drink. Spit in it maybe."

I scrunch my nose up in disgust. The thought of drinking a drink with River's spit in it made me feel incredibly nauseated. Swapping DNA with him made me want to jump off a bridge.

Sasha let out a soft laugh, "You can have mine then."

The bedroom door pushed open and River had two drinks in his hands and and unopened can under his arms.

He gave Sasha her cup that contained a pink liquid then gave me mine.

I looked at it before looking up at him. "Did you spit in it?"

"You wish." He scoffed

I rolled my eyes and stirred it with a straw before taking a sip of the strawberry flavoured drink. It was actually a lot better than I had expected it to be. "Thank you."

He sat on the chair that was close by and opened his can of beer. His hair was much darker as it dripped with water. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of black jeans now. His tattoos along his arms were exposed.

"Where are your parents?" Sasha asked.

"Penthouse in the city."

So his parents just allowed him to have the house for his party? The dynamic between rich parents and their children was one that someone should investigate.

River looked at me and he looked annoyed before he even opened his mouth. "If you want, you can stay in one of the guest rooms. Teddy and Sash are staying the night."

"Does the door lock from the inside? I can't risk you trying to smother me with my pillow in my sleep."

"Choking is more my thing. But yes, the door locks from the inside." He rolled his eyes, but had a smirk on his lips. "My door locks too so don't bother trying to kill me either."

"You two are a lot sometimes." Sasha put her hands up, slurring her words. "I need another drink. Let's not harm each other while I'm gone."

She pushed herself up from the floor and left the room with her cup.

"She's a lightweight."

"I brought your sweater, but I wore it again so I'll have to wash it again."

"That's fine, Williams." He mumbled and finished his drink, sitting back in the chair.

I turned away from him and grabbed my black lace bodysuit out of my bag. I went into the bathroom attached to the bedroom and shrugged off my shirt before slipping my bodysuit on and slipping my ripped jeans over them.

I fixed my hair before going out and grabbing the black jean jacket I had. Feeling River's eyes on me as I slid the jacket on.

"Why do you wrap them?" He asked.

By Chance | Book One | (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now