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I finally finished this. 
I know it's kind of repetitive and maybe too long and there might be details or plot holes that I missed and there are a shit ton of run on sentences but I hope you enjoyed and it made you as emotional as it made me while i was writing it :)

Time for a really long and really important author's note:

Like I said in the foreword, what's really sad is the events in this story are not entirely unrealistic. Imagine having people you thought supported you turning away from you or people who were there to support you being taken away. Imagine how scarring that you be. And people are bringing it up again for whatever reason, calling Hyunjin all sorts of terrible names.

It's pointless to try to change the minds of these close-minded piles of garbage (yes that's a strong way of describing them but if you'd seen some of the things they called our precious ferret you would agree). Still, we can take steps to help.
The reason why they're spreading so much hate doesn't matter: it only matters that we as fans support him however we can.

There are a bunch of accounts on Instagram that are working to spread awareness about this, and a bunch of hashtags being used to show support. If you can and you feel comfortable doing so, use those hashtags.

You can also email the JYP company at fan@jype.com to demand preventative measures be taken to stop what is happening from harming Hyune any further, i.e, restricting certain words on Bubble or other sites and working to report users who comment hateful things.

I've also seen a lot of people spamming the comments on Stray Kids' Instagram and Twitter posts with emojis, song lyrics, hashtags, words of love, and just general support to make it so that Hyunjin or any of the members don't see the hateful comments that are left by the people who still think Hyunjin is a bully.

However, DO NOT engage with hate comments. It just gives them more attention and makes it more likely they will show up at the top of the feed. Report and block the user, but don't reply or address them at all.

Quick side note because bullying accusations against idols (NOT the ones that are true because they're always reported differently from those that are not) make me REALLY pissed off:

I understand not wanting someone who used to harass you to become famous and popular, but most of the people who report bullying scandals are just jealous and trying to ruin the idol's reputation and mental health along with their dreams of performing.
If you wanted to call out the people who used to bully you, wouldn't you mention ALL their names, not just the one of the person who just happened to become famous and has millions of fans who know him for the soft fluffy handsome talented beautiful sweet person he is?

Anyway, please take some time to show Hyunjin and all the members your support, even if it's just commenting a bunch of heart emojis on their most recent Instagram post.

People say stuff like "we need to protect and advocate for idols' mental health" all the damn time, but when it comes to acting on that principle it turns into a totally different story. Then we end up losing precious souls and amazing, warmhearted people because of some cowardly Internet users.
As STAY, we need to take initiative to protect our family.

Have a good whatever time of day it is for you, and remember to take care of yourselves. As always, reach out to me if you're ever feeling alone or unsafe and want to talk. I have officially labelled myself a "momma STAY" because of my tendency to take care of people and how long I've spent with this absolute circus of a fandom, so I'll be here if you need me.

please let me know what you thought of this one: like I said this is different from anything I've written before EVER, not just on here

see you soon <3


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