~ pt.5 ~

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"...Hyunjin-ah?" The boy had trailed off after describing how he'd passed out. He was frozen again, eyes downcast and fidgeting with his hands.

At Changbin calling his name he shook his head slightly and looked up. The horrified looks on his member's faces featured glossy eyes that mirrored his own. None of them knew what to say.

They wanted to crush Hyunjin under a pile of hugs, but they couldn't because of the injury he'd just told them the awful backstory of.

They wanted to go out and hunt down the fuckers that did this to him, but they had nothing except physical descriptions to go on.

They wanted to fucking sue their company for putting their Hyunjin in a position that ended up putting him in a traumatic situation like that.

They wanted to scream, to cry, to break down in each other's arms, but they were frozen.

They knew his injury was bad, but they'd never expected the cause of it to be something this traumatic.

They were stuck replaying everything he'd said to them, trying desperately to understand why someone would hurt their Hyunjin, someone who would never even hurt a fly. The one who was always overly emotional and dramatic and sweet to everyone. The one who tried his best to take care of them all and always encouraged them. The one who was both insanely talented and incredibly humble.


"Oh...my god Hyunjin." Changbin finally said. He had his fists clenched tight in his lap, picturing what he would do if he ever found the people who had done this.

"I-I know, I know I shouldn't have gone out, I know I made a mistake. And I know I should have told you guys, I was just stupid and scared and-"

These words finally shocked the others back to life.

"What the fuck!? Hwang Hyunjin stop! Stop apologizing right now!" Jisung yelled.

"Yeah, what the actual fuck are you saying sorry for? Being fucking traumatized by some crazy fucking strangers!?" Minho joined him. They were staring incredulously at Hyunjin, unable to believe he actually thought he was responsible for this even at all.

"Yah! Hyungs stop yelling you're not helping!" came I.N's voice. He'd noticed how Hyunjin had started shaking when the two had raised their voices.
"Hyungie it's okay, it's okay. We don't even have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to."

Hyunjin shook his head. He appreciated Jeongin calming him down, but he couldn't stop until he'd explained everything. He needed to get it all off his chest, otherwise he didn't know when he'd have the courage again.

"A-anyway I woke up like 6 hours later on the floor.... The staff weren't there just yet and everything just really hurt. But I thought for a second and I knew I couldn't go to the hospital. I'm sorry but I knew it would get out somehow that I was there and it would be a big deal and I wasn't supposed to be out in public and if I was in the hospital you guys would obviously want to come see me and then I'd be around you again and the same thing would have happened if I had told you after I got back because either way it would get out and I'd b-be disobeying her and she could c-come hurt m-me again and if you guys were there she could get to you and I... I couldn't let that happen..."

"Oh Hyune..." Chan said from behind him. His voice was fragile, like one wrong word and it would break into a million pieces. "Baby it's okay, you were scared. I promise there's nothing you have to be sorry for. It's perfectly okay to feel scared and not want to do something because of it. I know how that feels, and it's awful, but there's nothing wrong about it. Y'know Lixie had to walk me in here with my eyes closed because I was scared to see you," he told him, trying to cheer everyone up, including himself.
"But you're gonna be okay now. We're right here with you and we're not going anywhere. And we were all scared too when we saw you...break down like that." He was trying not to fall apart.

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