~ pt.3 ~

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Instead of an explanation, they were given even more troubling news.

"It's difficult to say. We were hoping you all would be able to tell us. There is only so much we can figure out from looking at the injury alone. The shape and size of the bruise suggests blunt force trauma, but we cannot be certain what caused it or exactly when it happened because of how long it has gone without treatment."

Changbin panicked again at the thought of one of his best friends suffering without any of them know a single thing. He hoped the doctors didn't think they had stopped him from getting help, or something awful like that. He wanted nothing more than to turn back time and force Hyunjin to go to the hospital sooner.
"We-we didn't know, I swear we didn't-"

"I don't doubt that, Changbin-ssi. It's obvious how much you all care about him," Dr. Eun said with another comforting smile. "The surgical team and I are more concerned with why Hyunjin didn't tell you anything. Still, there's nothing we can do until he wakes up, which should be well before the end of today." She'd hoped the news that their member was going to be alright and that he would wake up soon would cheer the boys up, but it seemed they were still distraught.

She quickly continued, wanting to reassure them.
"I know this news and all this information probably sounds very frightening, but I promise there is nothing to worry about. This is an operation that someone from our surgical team performs at least once a month, so there was nothing uncertain about what had to be done. As I said earlier, the surgery is already over, and it went perfectly. Most of the fragments of bone were easy to remove, and the tear in his lung was luckily not big enough to cause further problems. The break has been repaired to the best of our ability, and will heal just fine with plenty of rest."

"Well, this explains, um....a lot...Thank you," Changbin responded with a trembling voice. She smiled at him again.

She then turned to the leader, whose eyes had gone unfocused again. She laid a comforting hand on his shoulder as she stood.

"Also, it was easy to get him breathing normally because of how quickly you managed to bring him back, Chan-ssi." The members looked from Chan to the doctor, the horrific memories of that moment flooding back. Her words hit hard: "bring him back". Their hyung had to actually bring one of their brothers back to life.

"Felix told us what happened, and you did exactly what you should have done. You may very well have saved his life. By the time emergency services got there, it may have been too late without what you did."

There was a moment of pensive silence before Jisung spoke up.
"So...so when can we see him?"

"I'm afraid you cannot until he wakes up," Dr. Eun responded sympathetically. "He's breathing on his own, but he's still being given oxygen, and we need to make sure his breathing remains stabilized when he regains consciousness. But don't worry, he'll be alright, I promise." With that, she left the waiting room to go back to her patient.

The members sat there in an even deeper state of shock, trying to process what she had just told them. They had seen that Hyunjin was hurt, but this was...this was bad. Once again they were hit with that surreal feeling, like this was surely all just a dream.

Dr. Eun left after she answered the last question, promising to tell them as soon as possible if anything changed. They sat for a few minutes in that strange, horrible silence, just trying to process what she had said. It felt like drowning, all the latest and terrifying news creating horrible waves of speculation that were swallowing up their senses.

All of a sudden Chan shot to his feet, bolted across the room, and punched the wall. Hard.

Immediately the others were on their feet, all rushing over. Changbin got ahold of the leader's arms before he could hit the wall again, while Minho grabbed onto his shoulders with all his strength. Their hyung struggled against them, jerking Minho forward and almost making him fall. His eyes were unfocused again, and he didn't seem to realize who was holding him back.

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