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As they arrived at the cafe Jake opened the door and held it for Sunghoon. Anyone who would even glance at the two would know they are madly in love with each other. The way Jakes eyes were filled with adoration and love for Sunghoon and how Sunghoon smiled at anything Jake did just showed easily.

As they went up to the counter Jake did a finger gun at the barista, who's name tag said 'VERNON'. It seemed as if Jake knew the guy.

"Ayyyyy, what you want today?" The male started talking in English which surprised and didn't surprise Sunghoon. He did know that Jake is fluent in English he just didn't know Vernon is too.

Jake had already asked Sunghoon what he wanted on the way there, "Two iced americanos" honestly Sunghoon would be lying if Jake remembering his order didn't make his heart happy a bit.

After a bit Vernon stood in front of them again "here is your order" they both took their drinks.

Jake turned and gestured Sunghoon to the window seat. Sunghoon followed his gesture and smiled as they walked over. The widow seat was far enough from the other people to hear a faint sound of talking.

Honestly Sunghoon has high expectations for this date. Since dating him is harder than the normal person. He hates taking things slow, he says 'If you spend too much time just talking you'll lose interest'. Which is exactly Jakes kind of style as well, maybe just a bit faster than Sunghoon.

"So Sunghoon, I really don't know a lot about you. I didn't even know we had a news crew for our school if that tells you anything" Jake and Sunghoon both share a laugh about Jakes relationship with reality.

"I don't blame you, the scripts can be cringe. What do you want to know?" As Sunghoon was talking, Jake took his hand in his and held it on the table. Sunghoon was too invested into his own sentence that he didn't realize.

"As much as I can before our date ends" Jake smiled as Sunghoons heart took a punch from that sweet sentence.

"If you want" Sunghoon smiled back and shrugged his shoulders. "Well not only am I a host for the news crew I am also a professional figure skater. Sunoo is my best friend and a couple other popular people are too." Jake titled his head a bit, so Sunghoon stopped so he could ask him whatever made him do that.

"Aren't you best friends with Jay too?" Sunghoon laughed a bit after a second which confused Jake even more.

"Jay is my brother" Jakes jaw dropped.

"You're nothing alike, maybe you both like to bicker but besides that I could have never guessed" something in Jake was conflicted.

Jake is flirting with Jays brother. Sunghoon and Jay are related. Jake is flirting with Jays brother. On one hand Sunghoon and Jay are related which is a bit weird for him but then again he can make the most cruel jokes to Jay. So in his eyes it was a win.

Sunghoon continued talking about himself. Jake listened like rent was due, something in him is so in love with Sunghoon. He could feel his own lovesick eyes. Sunghoon told Jake to talk about himself. When Jake was talking about himself he didn't feel like anything was too personal or too much to tell Sunghoon, which he liked.

As they walked out front of the cafe Jake held Sunghoons hand. "Why don't we end this at my place?" I told you Jake liked to move very fast.

Sunghoon giggled and nodded. Jake has been so nice to him and so sweet that even if he was trying to get in his pants he wouldn't care. Plus he was just a bit curious what Jake is like in bed.

A long while later after they had their little ol' fun.

Jake had Sunghoon head resting on his chest as his leg was over his own legs, Jake smirked at how clingy he was after doing all that. He really loved it, it wasn't filled with lust but more passion and love. It felt really good, way better than a one night stand or a hookup.

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