Hi it's my first time of being a journalist student, although i wanted to enroll in SSC (Special Science Class) i accidentally landed on (Special Project In Journalism) which is SPJ, at first it was a little easier but as I go along it becomes challenging and difficult.
I hurdle difficulties in my studies with a lots of activities and loaded work.
Its quite frustrating when your hardwork wasn't compensated with a good grades as you expected it.
I even think of transferring to a regular class and that's what in my mind before, but recently I had this idea ;
Yes, It's really difficult and very challenging because, it will be easier when I'm in college because what we're doing now will be a part of college life.So, we'll be benefited of it.
Journalism taught me on how to be a good journalist, always ready to speak up the truth and never get scared of telling what's right.
A journalist fear for nothing.
Joining student publications or seasonal contests may give learners some writing skills, but SPJ students have specialized trainings on a daily basis.
A Journalist Student
UmorismoThe journey towards academic excellence is not just about getting the highest honor, but about discovering your own potential and exploring the world around you.