we're gonna be okay, promise

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"She's a a killing machine

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"She's a a killing machine. She's not killing for survival, she's doing it for fun."

Chapter Two - We're Gonna be Okay, Promise

The warm water wraps around my body as I hit it with a sting. I lose my grip of Gray, following shortly by the loss of Zach's hand. I frantically spin in the water, my loose hair floating around my head, I struggle to keep my body below the water, signalling to the brothers around me to stay under for a few more moments. The shaking of the monster's footsteps echoes and we rush to the surface. 

The rush of oxygen into my brain is the most relieving thing I have ever felt in my life, I groan, floating onto my back for a few seconds, grateful for the humid air that I've hated my entire time on the island. "We need to keep going." Zach is the first of us to speak, leading me to swim over to the boys already swimming to the bank.

Once I reach it, I crawl out of the salty water, collapsing next to Gray. "Fucking hell." I mutter under my breath as I take deep breaths. 

"You shouldn't curse." Gray looks at me and I raise an eyebrow, shrugging his comment off quickly before I haul myself up using a tree branch to steady myself. "Where are we gonna go?" Gray begins to cry, only for Zach to hold him against his soaked body. 

I'm scared. I've lived on this island for as long as I can remember, and I have never been scared before now. "We just have to keep going. We can find shelter in the old innovation center and I can radio for help." I speak with a mask of confidence, watching as the boys stand up. Zach shakes his dampened, dark hair and the droplets fly around him, I laugh as Gray shields himself from them. "You're already drenched, there's no need to hide from a bit of water. It won't kill you." Before I know what I'm saying, the words flow out, and everyone goes silent. 

We move past it, and the pair follow closely behind me as I lead the way to the old building. Branches break under our feet and little dinosaurs scatter the grounds, running in the opposite direction to us to avoid crossing our path. A loud roar chills my spine and I stop in my tracks to check on Gray. "Is it coming back?" He whispers, holding Zach's hand so tightly I can see his knuckles turning white. 

I shake my head, leaning down a little to reassure the child. "We're gonna be okay, promise." I hold my pinky finger out to him to make a promise to him. He grasps onto mine with his own, "Lock it." I smile, he touches his thumb to mine and we carry on towards the overgrown building. 

I sigh in relief as I come face to face with the ivy-covered doors, indicating for Zach to help me to open them. We heave the doors open, earning  a loud creak from the near-ancient wooden planks. I look hopefully around the shelves after we shut the doors, sliding the lock across to make sure we are even safer from the monster roaming  around the park freely. "Hey! Dakota, look in here!" Zach shouts from through an archway, I leave Gray to roam the smaller Innovation Center while I join Zach in the unknown room.

I glance around, staring down the two old Jeeps from the first Jurassic Park, the logos tattered and chipped. "Wow." I speak, exasperated with the sight of the jeeps, "1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara," I mutter under my breath as I trail my hand along one of them, stopping at the engine. I lift the hood with a struggle as the old metal grips together for dear life. "I reckon we could fix it up, get it working and get the hell out of here." I glance around at the tool boxes on the shelves around the room, binoculars and guns and tasers littering the place. My eyes fall upon the broken down, wooden garage door, half missing from what I guess is termites. 

Zach stands by my side, investigating the engine and pipes, "Hey, Gray get in here!" He shouts, Gray quickly appears, looking into the bonnet intriguingly. "Remember when we fixed up Grampa's old Malibu?" Gray nods,  "We're gonna fix this shit-piece up." 

I scowl at him, "Don't call my babies shit-pieces." He laughs at me as I gently pat the Jeep apologetically. "C'mon, let's just fix it up and get out. I don't like it here." I admit, watching as the two scurry around and changing things out of the bonnet. Gray eventually jumps in the driver's seat while I scower the building for  anything we could use to protect ourselves from any dinosaur that might be out there.

I search the shelves, picking up helmets, goggles and all sorts of different old-fashioned technology while Zach and Gray clank about in the hood of the Jeep. I sift through some of the clothes, all of it way too old to use for anything, it would fall apart if I even tried to put it on. I find myself blushing as I look over at Zach as he leans on the base of the hood, his arm showing his veins down it as he works hard on the Jeep. I look away before anyone notices when I hear twigs snapping in the distance. "It's okay, just keep working on that Jeep so we can get the fuck out of here." I tell the brothers, and they do as I say, almost instantly.

I grab a rucksack, opening it and filling it with tasers and a pair of binoculars. I grab a gun, making sure it's loaded and the safety works, then tuck it into the waistband of my shorts at the front, then pull my now grey and muddied tank top over it. I turn my radio on and wait for it to make the right static sound, then radio into the main channel for the island. "May-day, may-day! Can anyone read me?" I speak into the radio. No response. "It's Kota, I have Claire's nephews with me. Over." I announce. The radio goes static for a moment, then a familiar voice sounds through it.

I sigh with relief at Grady's voice. "I read you. Stay clear of the Indominous. She's a killing machine. She's not killing for survival, she's killing for fun." I freeze. "Where are you? Over." He asks, I hold the button and speak back into the radio.

"Old Innovation Center. We're all as safe as we can be right now. Fixing up an old Jeep, we'll meet you on Main Street. Over." I tell him, I listen to the dead static sound and panic flurries through my mind. My grip tightens on the radio in my hand, "Grady?" I ask. No response. I groan in frustration, slamming my hand down on a table in front of me.

A second roar sounds from the outside of the center, and I zip up the rucksack, throwing it into the backseat of the jeep, Gray turns the key and the engine rolls over, telling us it's working. Zach slams the hood down excitedly, ushering Gray into the backseat as he jumps into the front. "Uh, no." I tell him, standing by the driver's side. "Who knows this island like the back of her hand?" He rolls his eyes and shuffles over as I jump over the side of the truck from the tire. 

I press my foot down on the gas, pushing the truck as fast as I can out of the garage, I drive through the trees, as closely on  the overgrown road as I can, we quickly leave the trees and Innovation Center behind as we break into the clearing just before the back gates. Zach bashes the dashboard, screaming shouts of joy as Gray sits behind us, grinning like a kid in a candy shop. Or rather a kid who is almost safe. "Wait." He says quickly, the smile on my face disappears as we hear a loud boom of an explosion. "What the fuck was that?" The boy asks, I look back at him through the mirror on the windscreen. 

"Excuse me, language kiddo." I joke before I take things seriously. "Just focus on the gates." I gulp, pushing my foot further down on the pedal until my foot hits the floor of the foot-well. Zach looks at me, concern written allover his face. I sigh, looking into the mirror, adjusting it so I can see the sky. It's clouded with hundreds of large birds. 

Hundreds of pterodactyls. 

Word count : 1473

Hey guys, little author's note for you.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, it's because I like leaving some on cliff hangers so that you guys stay interested lol.

I hope you're all enjoying it so far, don't forget to comment your opinions throughout the chapters. Don't be shy!



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