Second day (hanako POV)

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I walked into the class room, my thoughts suddenly broken by a loud


"Five points Akane-san!"

The red head boy took out a small bag of purple petals and threw them into the air

"Aoi, when these petals hit the floor is when my love for you will end." he said, one hand out stretched, the other on his chest.

"One seems so be stuck on the ceiling Akane..." Yashiro said as she walked up to Aoi. She seemed to wear a black fabric mask. Did she catch a cold?

"Yes, and since it'll never hit the floor, my love for Aoi will never die" the ginger said, his eyes softening and his hands reaching forwards and holding Aoi's hands in his own, "Aoi, will you-"

"OK CLASS SO TODA-" the teacher cut off, seeing a mess of purple petals on the floor and two kids holding hands., "WHO EVER MADE THIS MESS WILL CLEAN IN IT!"

Akane sighed and started to clean it up. I saw Aoi bend down and whispered something to him but I couldn't hear it because I was too far away. It must've been about the confession because his face glowed as Aoi walked away to her seat in front of Yashiro. I made my way to my seat and noticed that Yashiro glanced away from me nervously.

Is she nervous for the lesson? Maybe since she forgot to do her Homework.

break time

"Hey Yashiro!" I say as I chase after her, " You haven't answered my question!"

"what question?" was her muffled reply

"What's your favourite character from Hanako the 7th wonder???"

"I will kill you, but if I had to choose.......... then maybe the girl who could turn into a mermaid. What's her name again?"

"Ummmmm, I think it's Ma- something."

"oh is it Matsue?" Aoi butted in.

"Yes her! Wait Aoi how do you know?"

"Nene-chan, you talk about her so much that I'm surprised you forgot her name."

"Oh yeah, Amane who is your favourite character?" Yashiro asked as she messed with her mask, pulling something out. Must be nothing.

"Oooooo, its Hanako of course!"

"Basic" Yashiro said as she jutted out her hip and put her hands on her hip as she said, "LiKe HaNaKo Is SuCh A bAd ChArAcTeR!!"

I put my voice on cry quality, pointed my fingers together and knocked my knees together, "H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-how c-c-c-c-c-could y-y-y-y-you s-s-say that-t-t-t about SeNpai?????"

"Shut up Ken, your senpai isn't as good as you think!"

"Yuri! You, YOU SMELLY COW!"

"Sorry to interrupt the lovers quarrel but maybe do it somewhere that isn't the school halls?"

I forgot that we where in the school halls, I got a tad bit carried away with the role-play.

"Sorry, I got to go to the toilet, meet you two in the old building?"

"Sure Nene-chan, bye!"

I watched as Yashiro fast walked to the toilet covering her mouth. Suddenly, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. 

shit I messed up again. Dammit.

"Um, Aoi do you mind if I go? The teacher gave me some texts to read"

She nodded at me as she made her way to the old building. I walked as fast I could to a deserted place. Unfortunatlly it was in the so called 'old building', I found myself at a dead end.

"What do you want?"

"tsk tsk tsk, Amane, your turning into a ladies man."

"I'm not, they're just my friends"

"Then find other friends. I don't want you to be bullied like last time Amene. Remember yo keep you promise"

"Ok, is there any thing else?"

"Just one more thing..."


"Well whatever it is, can you save it till lunch?"

"fine, second half of lunch, same place. understand?"

"Yes I do."

I quite literally sprint to class so that I arrive to class before Yashiro and Aoi because if I didn't, my cover would be blown. Thankfully I do make it to class before them, well, I arrive before Aoi. She went over to the teacher and nervously tells them something and goes and gives me a note before she goes sits down in her seat.

Amane, Nene-chan is sick for some reason. I heard her throw up. I the teacher that she was getting her homework as a cover for her. She maybe 10-15 minutes late. can you take notes for  her Since you too are closer? ;)

 I give her a thumbs up before she turns around to face the teacher. This is going to be one hell of a class.

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