03 - enchanted

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you were at a party.

now, typically you wouldn't spend your friday night at a party at lydia martin's house, but your friends dragged you along.

now you were crammed into a corner with one of your friends and a group of people you didn't even know, putting on fake smiles and forcing laughs at their stupid jokes.

you were bored and you wanted to go home.

then you saw him.

across the room, your eyes met with a pair of brown ones. the guy was staring right at you.

you gave a half-smile and his eyes widened, like he hadn't realized you were looking at him, and he smiled back.

his awkward demeanor mirrored your own, and his smile brought you some comfort in the anxiety inducing scenario you were in.

"right, y/n?" your friend asked and you turned your head back to the group in front of you.


"you agree right?" she asked and you stared vacantly.

"agree with what?"

a few people in the group laughed.

"never mind." your friend pat your shoulder. "what're you looking at anyway?"

you turned your head, only to see the boy was gone. your heart sunk a little and you looked back at your friend.

"oh, nothing. don't worry." you played it off and took a sip of your drink.

as the conversation started up again, you felt a hand tap your shoulder.

you turned around and there stood the boy from earlier. he smiled again and your chest fluttered.

"hey." he greeted. "i'm stiles."


you couldn't help it as your lips curled into a smile. this boy was doing something to you. "i'm y/n."

"so, uh, what, um... what brings you here?" he asked, one hand slipping into the pocket of his jeans.

you shrugged and nodded to the group behind you. "some friends dragged me along."

"not really the party type?"

"what do you mean? i love parties." you scoffed, sarcasm lacing your tone as you sipped your drink again. "my favorite place to be."

stiles smiled. "yeah, me too. love parties. being crammed into a house with a bunch of drunk and sweaty teenagers is really my favorite friday night activity."

you laughed. "so why are you here? friends?"

"yeah." he rolled his eyes. "my best friend's girlfriend is best friends with lydia, so i get dragged along by him when he gets dragged along by her."

"who's your best friend?"

"scott." he answered and finished his cup. you stared at him a little bit confused and his eyes widened. "oh, scott mccall. sorry."

"oh, isn't he on the lacrosse team?" you asked and stiles nodded.

"yep. i am too, actually."


"number 24." he grinned. "although i do suck, so i'm on the bench most of the time."

"well, now i know to check out number 24 next time i watch a lacrosse game." you paused. "wait, is your friend scott dating allison argent?"

"yeah. you know her?"

"yeah, she's in my math class." you realized your cup was empty, but kept on talking. "she talks about him a lot."

STILES STILINSKI X READER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now