04 - ceilings pt. 2

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"y/n?" scott's voice brought you out of your head.

"where is he?" you turned to face him. "you guys saw him? right? it was working."


"stiles. he was right here. didn't you guys see him? the light?" you gestured to the empty hall in front of you.

"we didn't see anyone." malia stated.

"no." you looked down the corridor again, your voice echoing around the walls. "he was here. i know it."

"alright, come on." malia put her hands on your shoulders. "back inside."

she and lydia led you back into the room and scott closed the door behind you all. or he went to.

liam appeared in the doorway and stopped it from closing last second.

"liam..." scott sighed in relief.

"there's something you need to see." liam said to him.

"you're still here."

"but everyone else is gone. all of them. they're all gone."

your heart probably would've sunk if you weren't dead set on the thought that stiles was back.

you ignored the rest of the conversation between liam and scott and tried to think about exactly where stiles could be. where you would find him.

"in case stiles comes back?"

your head shot up at lydia's words.

"if there's hope, you need to keep trying." scott told the three of you.

you knew stiles wouldn't think to come to argent's bunker, but you kept quiet as scott left with liam.

you waited about ten minutes before heading for the door.

"um, excuse me?" lydia scoffed, getting your attention. "where do you think you're going?"

"where does it look? i'm going to find stiles."

"scott told us to stay in case he shows up here." lydia stated.

"okay, we all know stiles would never come here." malia pointed out, joining you at the door, and you nodded in agreement.

"see? we need to find him." you stated. the look lydia gave you was one of disbelief. "look, if he was gonna show up here, he would've. but he hasn't, so..."

lydia didn't say anything.

"please, lydia?" you begged. "please?"

"fine." she caved and the three of you quickly left the bunker.

you ended up in the school parking lot just a few minutes later where stiles' jeep had been left since he disappeared.

instead now the car was gone.

hope sparked in your chest as you examined the tire marks on the ground in front of you.

"they look fresh." lydia noted.

"it's from stiles' jeep." malia agreed. "it must've just left."

"without his keys?" lydia asked incredulously.

"he used a screwdriver to start it up half the time." you spoke up, not looking at your friends.

"then he's here." malia spoke.

"we have to tell scott." lydia stated.

looking up, you noticed train tracks running across the school's lawn and into the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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