Chapter - 30

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"shin minsu? What are you doing here?" Byeongho asked being confused.
"This is my room. Now tell me what YOU are doing here?" He asked in a serious tone, still the gun was pointed at byeongho's head. Byeongho was scared to death he didn't know what excuse to make. He breathed heavily while thinking of an excuse but in that situation nothing came to his mind.

"I LOVE YOU!!" Byeongho cursed himself when he realised what he said. Minsu was out of his words. The sudden confession shocked him. He stared at byeongho with wide eyes for a while.
"WHAT!!?" Minsu said.
"What? Oh- yeah, I fell in love with you when I saw you yesterday and I found out you were here somehow." He faked a smile. He hid his stupid smile when he realised the gun was still pointing at him and he could shoot at any moment.
"Did you follow me into my room?" Byeongho nodded hesitantly. "You know you could die if anyone finds you here walking around like a stalker, right?"
"I do." Minsu slowly lowered the gun as Byeongho could finally breathe peacefully.
"Do you think I'll leave you to go and stay alive?" Byeongho's heart started pumping really hard. He didn't want to die. AT ALL.
"Won't you? Will you kill me?" He asked while breathing heavily again.

"Do you wanna live?" Minsu asked in a deep tone. Byeongho nodded and lowered his head and closed his eyes. He watched minsu put the gun down and stand in front of him. "what made you trust me that much? We only met yesterday." He got closer to byeongho.
"I believe in love at first sight." He doesn't.
"How can I trust you? to risk my job?" Even closer.
"If you don't want to just kill me right away." He didn't wanna die.

"So, what will you do if i let you go?" Even closer.

"I will come back to you until you love me back." He won't, he would even move out of the country. As byeongho's eyes and closed he didn't realise how close minsu was getting to him. He looked up and suddenly minsu was right there, inches between them.

"What if I tell you, I can't love you back?"

"Are you straight??!" Byeongho asked disgustedly.

"Wait, WHAT? That's not what I mean- I mean- I am GAY but......" Minsu stuttered. The other sighed in relief. "I mean I can't date anyone because of my job. It's too risky." Byeongho internally agrees but decides to put up a show.
"I can risk everything for you." He faked a smile again. A smile started to bloom on minsu's face when they heard someone.
"Chief shin!......" A male voice came from the door before it opened. It was some bodyguard, asking minsu to help him with something.
"Oh- who is he? Do you know him chief?" The man asked.

"Yeah, he's my close friend. He just came back from... Umm.... Thailand." Byeongho just waved his hand at the man. "okay, then I'm leaving, wait- chief, the new guy was searching for you all over."
"Lee jungsuk? Why is he looking for me?"
Byeongho's eyes lit up, hearing his name, finally. "okay I'll go find him, just go." Minsu ordered. That man bowed and left. He looked back at byeongho again.
"Byeongho, right? Do you wanna leave or stay here in this room without causing any trouble? Quickly choose one."
"I will stay here and make no noise. I'll be waiting for you." He smiled.
"Just remember that you'll die if you do ANYTHING stupid."
Byeongho bowed to him. But is he going to stay where he is? No. He will collect every information about jungsuk there. He watched them leave and slowly opened the door and looked around. There was no one in the corridor so he just walked through it. He didn't know where to go so just followed the way. It led him somewhere he had no idea about. He thought he got lost. The place was almost like a palace. It was so huge and pretty. He got mesmerized about it and zoned out in the middle of nowhere. He couldn't care to hear someone approaching him. Then suddenly he got dragged by his hand into a room and got pinned against the door, a hand shutting his mouth, a strong hand. When byeongho finally realised what was happening, he looked at the person's face, it was minsu again. He looked terribly mad this time.

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