Chapter - 40

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Jungsuk was asleep on the bed doing his morning stretch when he felt something soft beside him. He squeezed it and it felt weird, then he realised that it was someone's chest. He slowly opened his eyes to see dongwook so close to him and sleeping. He flinched and moved away when he realised what happened the day before. He took a deep breath, held his head and flopped on the bed. He didn't know how to face dongwook. He quickly got up, got ready and went to work leaving a note for dongwook, as he was sleeping. He got out of his room and walked like nothing happened. Everyone around him were terrified of him. They couldn't dare to bump into him, so they avoided him as much as possible. But jungsuk didn't like that. He didn't want everyone to be scared of him.

"J-j-jungsuk!" He heard someone call so he quickly turned back with a smile. It was minsu but strangely he had a weird expression like everyone else. "The bo-boss wanted t-to see you." He said.
"Minsu-ya, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? Please, I thought you would be the last person to avoid me but...... Do you actually hate me now? Like everyone else?" He looked down.
"Jungsuk-ah, it's not just about your power." He said seriously.
"Then what else is it that's bothering you?" jungsuk questioned.

"....... Why didn't you tell me about getting back with your ex?" He crossed his arms and pouted. Jungsuk was confused.
"Yeah! Everyone got to see that man but I didn't because I wasn't at the scene. You were cool and all but I want to see your little boyfriend." He said aggressively.

Jungsuk was speechless. He didn't know what to say or feel. He didn't know if he wanted to kill him or hug him tight.
"Yah! Do you really fucking have a death wish? You know how worried I was because you would ignore me too? I'll kill you, you fucking idiot." He scolded. They both laughed for some time and jungsuk went to meet the boss.

"Lee jungsuk. Do you know what you have done yesterday? Of course you put the pieces of glass back on there, but the fear you imprinted into their hearts made a few quit the job. What are you going to do about that?" She inquired.
"Ma'am I'm really sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, it was just the anger that you were trying to kill dongwook. Its-"
"I don't wanna hear any of that and DONT be sorry. I would've done the same thing if someone I love was in danger, so just tell me the solution, not the reason." She stated.
Jungsuk remained silent.
"I'll do anything you need me to do if this solves the problem. Ms. Song. I truly feel the guilt." He managed to say.

"...*sigh* I need you to move out of the dormitory...... As soon as possible." She insisted.
"What? But how wo-"
"And I appoint you as MY personal bodyguard and chief of everyone here, so you can just live outside the residence and be with your partner." She smiled.
Jungsuk was surprised to hear that. He didn't understand the reason behind that. He was speechless and froze right in his place.

"Me? But Ms. Song. Why are you giving me this big of an opportunity? Didn't you say you didn't need any personal bodyguards?"

"Well, now I need you, so are you willing?" She asked.
"Ma'am how can I say no?, but what about the kids? I got really attached to them." Jungsuk said.

"You don't have to be scared of that. I know it, and they can't be without you either, so you'll be meeting them very frequently." She assured.


Dongwook woke up because of the bright light in the room, which is unfamiliar with him. He realised what happend the before day. He was looking around to find jungsuk, when he found a sticky note on the table.

I am going to work, I've prepared food for you so have it and leave. I don't wanna face you again. I shouldn't see you after get back from work. Goodbye!


Dongwook read it with a frown. He didn't understand what he meant. He clearly cared about him and loved him so what's the issue there? he thought maybe it was the care that's keeping him from getting close to him. Jungsuk was afraid that dongwook would get hurt if they stay together. Dongwook decided to go out of the room to see what's going on. He felt weird looks from all over the place. Everyone was staring at him. He just started looking for jungsuk.

At the same time jungsuk ran towards the room before it was too late. He changed his mind and want to live with dongwook so bad. He sprinted so that he wouldn't miss his last chance of getting to be with him. He looked everywhere and finally he was wandering freely along the corridors, with his hands in his pockets. He looked carefree. Jungsuk ran towards him and hugged him from the back. Luckily, there were no other guards or staff there. Dongwook turned around with a puzzled expression. He stayed silent, waiting for some words to pop out of the other's mouth.

"Let's go!" Jungsuk panted.
"Go where?" Dongwook finally said.
"Let's go home! Our home. Let's be together." He said in a happy tone.
"Wait ...... What did you just say? Did you actually say that or am I being delusional?" He said. Jungsuk stared at the panicking man and softly smiled. He grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him as close as he could. "You see, i can't help myself but fall for you everytime you come infront of my eyes. I've tried my best to ignore you or even hate you, but........ My heart just doesnt seem to listen to my mind and it wont stop thinking about you. I just got promoted by the way. And I need to move out of this residence as soon as possible. So will you stay with me?" He said in a low raspy voice and his lips touched the other's. Dongwook burst out in tears and hugged him close by his waist and connected their foreheads together. Dongwook lifted the other up and spun him around while they both giggle happily.

Dongwook helped him in moving the stuff out from the dorm to their house. It's the same house they left a few months ago.

"Baaabbyyyyyyy~~~~" Dongwook whined, laying his head on jungsuk's lap. Jungsuk was busy with some work on his phone and he spread the papers on dongwook's stomach. He looked hot, with glasses and doing serious work.
"Stop being a lazy man and unpack things that we brought here, do you expect me to do all that work too? Move your ass dongwook." Jungsuk pushed him away.

"No baby-"
"Don't baby me" he scolded "go and do those things."
Dongwook pouted, jungsuk kissed the pout away and pushed him off of his thighs. He whined in pain then got to work immediately. Jungsuk shook his head softly and smiled.
It's been a while since they moved in but never got the time to unpack their stuff. Jungsuk obviously has so much work and dongwook was just being a lazy man as jungsuk said. He stopped going to the clinic for some reason. He would just roam around his boyfriend all day. Hes just obsessed with him even more now.

Dongwook would tail him even in the mafia. No one dared to talk back to him so he was carefree. Jungsuk would scold him but he was still like a spoiled kid around jungsuk. Jungsuk didn't want him to be like that. He tried talking to him in many ways but he never listened. He loved the feeling that dongwook was totally head over heels for him. He was partly proud.

Sorry!....... I've been posting irregular these days. And this chapter is so short because i didn't find the time to write for the past few days. So I hope you understand. See you in the next one.

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