Chapter - 45

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A week later:

Jungsuk was busy at work. He was feeling weird because it's been so calm and normal lately. It's too normal that it wasn't normal anymore. It was always chaotic in the building and the past week was silent and smooth going. No one irritated him. No one messed shit up and no one annoyed him, not even Junseok. He always had a feeling that something was going to happen. Like the silence before the storm. His work was done early so he decided to lay on his bed for a while.

He layed on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was wondering if something big was going to come at him. That's the calmest fucking week in his whole life. His life was so problematic that being normal isn't normal.

He was deep in his thoughts and he heard the door open. He knew it was Junseok cus who else would it be.
"What are you doing in here, Sunbae?" Junseok asked.

"I don't know..... Just...... Thinking?" He replied.
Junseok sat beside him on the bed.

"Thinking? About what?" He gave a curious look. Jungsuk sighed.

"Leave me alone, Junseok." He turned away from him.

"Come on don't be like that. What did I do?" He placed his palm on the other's shoulder.
He yanked his hand away.

"Why should I tell you that?" He asked.

"Fine..... Don't tell me. Why would you tell me anything anyway. I'm an outsider to you. You..... Never tell me anything about yourself and..... Yell at me for knowing it myself...... *Sob* what did I do s-so.... Wrong to you? *sob* I'm sorry." He cried and stood up from the bed.

Jungsuk quickly grabbed his hand and made him sit down.

"Junseok-ah, look at me......" He didn't. "come on....." The blonde looked up with teary eyes.

"When did you become such a baby? Huh? You're not an outsider to me. I'm just scared that you'll get into trouble if you know so much about me. I'm not what you know, Junseok." He explained

"Then tell me what you are and what you want. I don't want to know things when others tell me. Tell me what i deserve to know." He stated.

"I can't....... I'm..... I'm..... So miserable, I don't want you to get into my shitty life." He looked down. Junseok caressed his cheek and lifted his chin up to look at him.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything. I just want you to be happy...... Without anything that's bothering you." He confronted.

"Nothing is bothering me though." Jungsuk frowned.

"Really? Do you want me to believe that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. I'm the happiest now. With you guys." He smiled. Junseok knew it was fake. But he nodded.

"I'll believe that for now, Sunbae, but can you promise to tell me if anything is bothering you? Hmm?" He offered a hand.

*Sigh*"ahh.... Fine. I promise that you'll be the first person to know if something happens. Happy now?" He promised.

The blonde smiled widely and hugged jungsuk. Jungsuk hugged him back. "Do you like me that much?" Jungsuk suddenly asked.

"I thought we weren't supposed to talk about this." He said nervously.

"Yes but, i can bring that up." He smirked proudly.

"ISN'T THAT CHEATING!!" He yelled.

"So you won't answer my question?" He ignored his insanity.

"You wouldn't understand even if I say how much." He blushed.

"Why don't you try and tell me?" He raised his eyebrows. Junseok smiled and looked out of the window and it was already dark outside so he dragged jungsuk onto the roof.

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