Chapter 1

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Chole pov

Hi my name is Chole Simpson I'm 20 just graduated from college I'm from Avalon , New Jersey I have five siblings two older brother's and three big sister's the oldest is Catherine and Carter both twenty three then it's Claire Twenty Three Also , Carmen Twenty Two , Casey Twenty One then me the youngest of them all I'll be Twenty One in a month and I couldn't wait because this year I just felt in my heart it was my year too finally chase my dream something I've been wanting since I was fifteen years old
I was planning on doing this with my best friend since childhood Tessa she was my best friend and sister in one we did everything you'll never see one without the another but after high school we both went off too college wanting too study and do different things we still called and FaceTime each other as much as we could but it's been years since I've been seen my best friend and this is something she knows I've been wanting since we where kids and it was hers too so I needed her and her support right now and wanted her by my side every step of the way but she had one more of year left then she'll be home she started a little more late then me leaving here in Avalon , New Jersey sometimes can be hard finding work was hard and making a good enough money too put food the table hopefully so my mom and dad gave Tessa and her family the money so she can go my parents and Tessa parents go way back been friends since high school so of course me and Tessa and all of us because her close Tessa had a big family herself her two brothers Tyler and Trey then her three big sisters Blake , Beth and Tori so yeah we where all kinda like one big family helped one another when ever always there for each other family was everything too me and friendship so if I was gonna do this I was gonna need that family and friends

📍 Avalon , New Jersey
⏱ 10:30 am sunrise

I woke up early in the morning too Catherine knocking on my bed room door I let a Groan pulling the covers of my head letting her too go away this was always the morning routine every freaking morning Catherine would go around waking all of us up for breakfast too get are day started my family ran by a schedule we my parents where busy people so they made us busy people also keeping us moving and doing something active or too help us in the near future my Dad was Ex Football player but he stopped after my mom had Catherine and Carter and now is the Co Football Coach of that same team and my mom was a Ex and Lawyer of course she stopped after she got pregnant
Now she a very well known painter and designer
We then followed in there foot steps of course since Catherine and Carter where born first they got too learn and see more then we did Carter is now training to become a football player along with Casey then Catherine and Carmen are set on being lawyers then There's Claire she wants too designer like my mom but me I'm a YouTuber I make videos here there try on haul's , makeup videos etc I had a good 1k subscriber's nothing too crazy my parents wasn't a big fan of it but they thought it was a start and it helped pay bill's but they still wanted me too follow in the family steps for the future of are family name but it's not my dream too be a lawyer or Fashion designer I wanna b-

( Chloe Pajamas )

( Chloe Pajamas )

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