Chapter 1, the soul survivor

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Aries pov: I was walking back home with firewood. My mom told me not to be out too late. But it was dusk outside. So I started running. I got home and saw my family lifeless body on the ground. I heard movement and graded my fathers sword and started walking away. I was about to exit the house but heard a voice. "Oh a child. How old are you 5 or 6"? I looked at the figure . It was a demon. I put both of my hands and the hold of the sword. And ran to the demon at full speed. He blocked my attacks. "Run Aries you need to run, i need you to run and don't look back" i heard my mother say as she was holding on to life. I looked at my mother. Then the demon tried to attack her so I ran up to the demon and the demon pushed me to the wall. I decided to try one last time and I started to run up to the demon but instead ice shards came out and sliced the demon's arm off, as it ran away. I dropped the sword and ran to my mother. "Mama please stay here with me" I said as I started to cry. "Aries, my beautiful daughter, it is my time to go. I love you. Please choose a path right for you. Like becoming a demon slayer like your father or working at a shop or a model . No matter what you do, you have the first snow hashira blood in you so you are strong and pretty and kind. and I will be there to watch it all and to feel it all happen. I will be in your heart no matter what" my mother said. "Mama, where will I go if you are not here to take care of me" I said as I held her hand. "I don't know but, stay here on the mountain until the sun comes up ok. I love you my snowflake" my mother said as she took her last breath with her hand falling lip in mine. I sat there for a moment looking at my mother and then I got up and ran out to the snowy night and fell on one of the walls and I looked at my arms. They had cuts with ice shards in them. My eyes started to get heavy and before i knew it i was asleep

*Time skip to the next day*. (Aries is 6, tengen is 15). I woke up on a bed. I remembered i was in the snow. I looked around and saw a pretty girl with two butterfly clips. She looked at me and spoke up, "Ara Ara, you're finally awake. kana go get tengen and tell him the girl is awake ''. "Um what is your name miss". "Oh yes sorry i'm Kanae Kocho, and you are sweetheart" kanae. "Um, my name is Aries. And where am i". "Oh sweetie you are in the butterfly estate. And the boy that will walk through the door. His name is Tengen, he saved you '' Kanae. A tall white hair man came through the doors. He had really long hair and it reminded me of my father and eyes that looked like my mothers, he looked just like my older brother. Then I remembered the words my mom said to me, "Run Aries you need to run''. I looked at kanae and asked her "where will I go miss kanae". She looked at me then to tengen. "I have to talk to my master about you staying with me in a bit. So kanae do you have something for her to wear so she can meet master" Tengen. "Yes, I think I may have something of shinobu's or aoi's that she can wear. I will go check, ''Kanae said as she left the room. "So what is your name kid" Tengen asks as he kneeled down. "Oh my name is Aries. Aries Fujiwara''. "That is a pretty name" tengen. "Thank you". "Your welcome" tengen. "You look just like my older brother". "Huh i do, he must have been very flashy" tengen said as he got up. "He was the most awesome big brother ever. He was just like papa, a demon slayer". "Huh your dad was a demon slayer" tengen. "Mhm, so was my other older brother". "Mhm," Tengen said as Kanae walked in. "I found a kimono she can wear, sweetheart, are you okay with the color blue and pink?" kanae asked. "Mhm blue is my favorite color". "Okay good, tengen, can you go outside while i get her dressed" kanae. "Yes," Tengen said as he walked out. Miss Kanae helped me get dressed and put my sandas on. And I walked out to tengen. "You ready to go kiddo" tengen. "mhm" . We started to walk until my legs got tired and he started to carry me. We got to the Ubuyashiki estate. And I saw a man with black hair and purple eyes and a woman with white hair and purple eyes. Wait uncle kagaya and aunt amane. I looked at them for a second and then tengen put me down. "Ah tengen i see you have arrived, it is great to see you" kagaya. "Hello master it is great to see you to master" tengen said as he bowed down. And Kagaya walked to him. Since the two were talking I walked up to aunt amane. "Hi aunt amane" I said as I hugged her leg. "Huh aries what are you doing here? '' she asked as she picked me up. "Mama and Dada are gone and mr. Tengen brought me here, ''I said to her as I played with a piece of her hair. "Oh dear i'm so sorry" she said as she hugged me. "Oh there she is," Tengen said as him and Kagaya started to walk over to us. "So what was her name tengen" kagaya. "Aries, Aries Fujiwara," Tengen said as Kagaya stopped. " Aries Fujiwara" kagaya. "Yes, is there something wrong?" Tengen asked, then kagaya started to run to me. "Aries, my child" kagaya. "Uncle Kagaya," I said as I started to tear up. "Hi" is all he said before he started to tear up. "Uncle Kagaya, don't cry" I said to him as I patted his head like he used to do to me. "I thought you were dead. How did you survive " kagaya. "I almost killed the demon," I said as I looked at him. "You almost killed it" kagaya. "Mhm more like i tried to use papa sword but ice came out of it". "Ah ok" kagaya. "Master is everything ok" tengen. "Yes but I hope you know that one of the older pillars' name was katsuki Fujiwara" kagaya. "Yes I do" tengen. "He was my fathers and i's best friend and he retired, And he got married to a woman named Shoko hina and they had 6 children and this little girl right here is one of them" he said and at the last part he booped my nose and I giggled. "Oh," Tengen said in shock. "You can keep her as long as if I get to see her 1 a week," Kagaya said. "Yes, master," Tengen said. "Good," Kagaya said as he put me down. "Bye dear we will see you later" amane. "Bye Aries" Kagaya said as me and tengen walked away.

*later. She fell asleep a little after they left*. I woke up in a room and i didnt know where I was so I got up and opened the door and heard two people talking. "Are you sure you can take care of her? You know taking care of a child is very hard," Kanae said as i saw tengen sitting reading a 'how to be a parent for a beginner' book. "Yes i'm sure kanae, i got this" tengen said as he didn't look up from his book. I heard footsteps behind me and then they stopped. "Oh hello little one what is your name?" I turned around and saw a girl with black and purple hair and purple eyes looking at me. "I'm Aries". "Well Aries, it is great to meet you. I'm Shinobu." shinobu. "Hi shinobu". " Would you like to go outside with me?" Shinobu asked. "Mhm". We walked the other way from tengen and kanae. Shinobu opened the sliding door and walked out. Shinobu was teaching me how to make flower crowns. *bam bam*. "Oh what is all that commotion?" Shinobu said as she slid open the door. "God tengen, this is why I asked if you can take care of her" kanae. "what i did nothing" tengen. "Uzui we lost her" kanae. "Are you guys looking for Aries" shinobu. "sister , do you know where she is" kanae. "Mhm follow me" shinobu said as she walked outside with tengen and kanae behind her. And then shinobu moved and they saw aries making flower crowns. "Oh my god" tengen. "Thank the gods" kanae. I made a big yawn and walked over to tengen. "Are you ready to go home?" Tengen asked. "Home?" I asked him, tilting my head. "Yeah home with me," Tengen said, looking down at me. "Oh okay let's go home" I said while I put my hands up. "Tengen she wants you to pick her up" kanae. "Ah sorry i'm still new to the dad thing" tengen said as he picked me up. "Mhm you're warm" I said as I put my head on his neck. "Mhm goodbye kanae and shinobu" tengen. "Bye tengen, bye little butterfly" kanae. "Bye bye" I said as Tengen started to walk away from the butterfly estate. We got home to a pretty estate and tengen walked up and opened the door and a woman with black hair and blue eyes ran up to tengen. "Lord tengen your home" she said as she looked at me. "Oh who is this?" she said as she looked up to tengen. "This is Aries, we are going to take care of her as if she were our own," Tengen said as he looked at her. "Hi Aries, I'm Suma," Suma said as she looked at me. "Hi Mrs. Suma," I said while I looked at her. "Oh she is so cute i will protect her with my life" suma said as she took me out of tengens arms. "Huh what is going on suma" a girl with black hair and purple eyes asked. "Look at this precious bean, hina" Suma said as she walked over to the other lady. "Oh hello little one, what is your name?" the woman asked me. "I'm Aries" i said as i looked up at her. "Well Aries, it is great to meet you. I'm hinatsuru you can just call me hina. Suma why do you have her though" hinatsuru. "Lord tengen brought her home," Suma said with a bright smile. "Ah welcome home tengen- sama" hina. "Hello honey" tengen. "So Are we going to take care of Aries" hina. "Yes master, trust me taking care of her" Tengen. "Oh well i always wanted a child so i will be the best mom for her tengen-sama" hina. "I know you will. Where is makio" tengen. "She is in the kitchen" suma. "Okay i am going to let makio know about Aries" tengen. "Okay lord tengen, we will watch her," suma said as tengen walked out of the room. "So Aries, how old are you?" Hina asked while suma put me down next to hina. "Um 6" I said as I put my head on her lap and closed my eyes. "Mhm are you tired aries" suma. "Mhm". "okay you can fall asleep" hina. I fell asleep.

*in dream land*. No, no there's so much Blood there's blood everywhere. Mom, dad, why, why do I have to be here again. Why did you have to leave me? I will kill them all. I will kill all the demon's. "Run Aries you need to run" mother. "Mama" I said as I saw her on the ground then I ran out of the house and fell in the snow. Then everything went black.

*in the real world*. As I looked around, I thought, 'Huh, where am I?' 'There's no blood. Oh yeah, I'm with Tengen. Mrs. suma and hina' i got up and opened the door and walked around the home. Then I heard someone walk in the hallway. "Aries what are you doing up" tengen. "Mr. tengen i had a nightmare," I said as I ran up to him. "Huh do you want to come and sleep with me and the others?" tengen said as he picked me up. "Mhm". "Okay," tengen said as he walked to his room. He sat me down and he went into bed next to Mrs.hina and waved me over. I walked over and laid down and fell asleep with no more nightmares. 

word count: 2173

Tengen's adopted daughter {Demon slayer x OC}Where stories live. Discover now