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Issac POV
Liam and I go to the hospital Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. We're asking a nurse if she knew a women named letty Ortiz "Sorry young man I can't help you! She said I got frustrated and liam was getting angry because we needed to remember when I see a flashback.

*Issac flashback*

Issac- I was unconscious but I was able to hear the voice when a image appears I saw Scott carrying me to the hospital help! He yelled a nurse ran over to him what to him? She asked him car accident found him on the side of the road he said okay put him here she said he lay me on the hospital bed the doctor's came rushing. They took me to the emergency room mom? Save him Scott said the nurse was his mom.

*End of issac flashback*

Issac- I couldn't believe it was scott who took me to the hospital I lean on the wall why didn't Scott tell me? Why would he hide this from me. I need to talk to scott about this but I don't know.

Liam POV
We asked a nurse if she knew a women name letty Ortiz she said no and walks off I look around when a flashback takes me back to when I was brought I the hospital it was theo carrying me.

*Liam's flashback*

Liam- I was unconscious but heard voices help! Theo yelled a nurse came running toward him what happened? She said car accident he was on the other side of the road he said okay put him here she said he lay me on a hospital bed doctor's rushed to me the emergency room mom? Please save him theo said okay Dearie his mom said.

*End of liam flashback*

Liam- I lean on the wall I couldn't believe it was him who took me to the hospital why didn't theo say anything? Why wouldn't he tell me? I need to speak to him. A nurse comes up to me and issac and tells us that she was the would admitted us when we were brought in the hospital. She couldn't believe that issac and I fought threw the injuries. Issac and I go home wondering what should we do about all this.

Scott POV
Tyler talked to me Allison and Lydia and how an arrow also went through him "at her head" I said all most right through her head Tyler said if I hadn't been there then Lydia would be dead Tyler said I looked at him what were you doing there I asked him yeah tell him what you were doing there theo said I threw him at the wall "oh you guys this house doesn't have the supernatural ability to heal so stop it." My mom said

Theo POV
I went to scott house to hang out and tyler was talking about Allison and the arrow almost went threw Lydia then Scott asked him what was he doing there he just stuttered Scott threw him into the wall behind him. I'm wondering if why Tyler is around Allison to much I have no clue.

Scott laying in his bed

Scott POV
I was in my bed tossing and turning worried about issac wondering if he went home stiles gave me his phone number I grabbed my phone I called him but it went straight to voice mail I called again it's just kept on ringing I called twenty times still no answer.  Fuck! Issac pick up the damn phone! I was getting angry I understand that he hates me but checking on him would be nice. I try to go back to sleep until minutes later.

*Scott's dreams about issac*

Scott- I dominant issac body, I'm on top of him I'm kiss him passionate, my hands reaching to his thighs I have my hands holding his to the bed I go down to his jawline to neck, collarbone he moans his hands tugging at my hair. Ohh baby, you provoke me.

*End of Scott's dreams*

Scott POV
I woke up realizing that it was a dream. I know it would never happen because one there's no way that I could like him. Everything about him just tell me that I care about him, but he's difficult he hates me how could that happen when he doesn't even let me near him he hits me if I get near him he kicks me that tell me that he doesn't support me getting near him

Issac POV
Liam and I  we're walking for hours it's 2am already we went to the street race that my dad,uncle dominic and uncle jacob race we sat at the edge of the bridge same area where they race.
We sat there thinking  we stay there the entire night. No one called except for the only person I didn't want to talk to

Liam POV
We didn't go home we walked for hours our dad called we told him we're out for a walk he said okay but to be careful he said we told him we will we went the bridge that our dad, uncle dominic and uncle jacob race each other put uncle dominic and dad won. Someone called me but I didn't answer it.

*The bridge they visited*

Theo POV
I couldn't sleep due the fact that liam is probably not even home at his house I can't find find him because I don't have a thing that will match his scent I hope I see him at school I'm going to try and get some sleep. Because I have to be up and early tomorrow it's still school night.

*Theo dream about liam*

Theo- I had liam on my bed I was on top of him my hands Trail every inch of his body down I kissed his neck on both side his jawline collarbone I pull his shirt sleeves I kissed his shoulder I peck his lips his hand were coming around my neck I kissed his lips.

*End of theo dream*

I wake up realizing it was a dream actually a good dream If liam wouldn't hate me so much it could really happen but he hates me but if I want that to happen then I'll keep chasing him until he realizes that I'm not like those other people he's met.

Hope you enjoy
Helping malia

Why can't you just leave me alone (scisaac and thiam) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now